I'd take a bludger for you

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Did you know that Neville would take a bludger for you?

Approx 2400 words

The Quidditch stands were buzzing with excitement as the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match got underway. You could feel the tension in the air as the two teams took to the sky. You found yourself sitting next to Neville Longbottom, his anxious energy adding to the electric atmosphere. Gryffindor was your house, and you were both eager to see Harry Potter and his team take down their long-time rivals.

Neville, though not much of a Quidditch fan, had come to support his friends. His nervousness was evident in the way he fidgeted with his hands, but he smiled at you, trying to match your enthusiasm. "Are you excited?" he asked, his voice almost lost in the roar of the crowd.

"Absolutely!" you replied, your eyes already fixed on the players darting across the sky. "I have a good feeling about this match."

Neville nodded, his attention shifting to the game. The players were a blur of red and green as they zoomed around, chasing the Quaffle and dodging Bludgers. Harry was particularly impressive, his skill and agility keeping Gryffindor's hopes high.

The game was intense, with both teams scoring in rapid succession. You and Neville cheered every time Gryffindor scored, the camaraderie between you growing with each shout and cheer. As the match progressed, the Slytherin Beaters became increasingly aggressive, their powerful swings sending Bludgers hurtling through the air with terrifying speed.

One such swing caught everyone's attention. A Slytherin Beater, with a determined gleam in his eye, gave a mighty swing and sent a Bludger straight towards Harry. Harry dodged it with ease, but the Bludger continued its path, now heading straight towards the stands where you and Neville were seated.

Time seemed to slow as you watched the Bludger hurtle towards you. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you could barely move, rooted to the spot by fear. Just as the Bludger was about to hit, Neville lunged forward, pulling you out of the way. You stumbled, your eyes wide with shock as Neville took the full brunt of the Bludger's impact.

"Neville!" you screamed, watching in horror as he crumpled to the ground, clutching his side.

Pandemonium erupted in the stands. Professor McGonagall, who had been watching the game intently, rushed over and quickly assessed the situation. She levitated Neville onto a stretcher with a flick of her wand, her face a mask of concern. "Everyone, stay calm!" she commanded, though her voice was tinged with worry. "We're taking him to the hospital wing immediately."

As Neville was carried away, you stood there in shock, the roar of the crowd fading into the background. Your mind was a whirlwind of emotions—fear, guilt, and a deep sense of gratitude for Neville's selfless act. You couldn't just stand there. Without another thought, you rushed down the stands, your heart pounding as you made your way to the hospital wing.

When you arrived at the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey was already hard at work, her wand moving swiftly over Neville's injuries. She glanced up at you, her expression stern but understanding. "He'll be alright, dear," she said, her voice reassuring. "Just a few broken ribs and a nasty bruise. He'll need to rest."

You nodded, your throat tight with emotion as you approached Neville's bed. He was already bandaged up and asleep, his face pale but peaceful. The hospital wing was eerily quiet, the only sounds being the soft rustle of Madame Pomfrey's robes and the gentle breathing of the patients.

You sat down beside Neville's bed, your heart heavy with a mix of relief and guilt. Tears welled up in your eyes as you watched him sleep. He was too kind, too selfless, and you couldn't fathom why he would risk himself for you. In a moment of overwhelming affection, you leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to his forehead, not meaning to wake him.

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