🌼 solving mystery 🌼 (part-2)

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After 2 days....

In this 2 days Jimin get to know one thing clear that he and tae are related to that story.... sometimes he hear some weird voice like someone telling him something....

Jimin became overprotective towards he didn't want tae to get hurt in this mess.....

With vmin....

Both are sitting in living room with others..... Jimin is thinking something deeply and tae is blabbering non-stop which everyone smile softly....

Tae-yah park jimin....
Jimin immediately came back to his sense....
Jim-what happen did someone attack on us....
Tae-no chim I am calling you since 5 minutes but you are drooling over in your thoughts....
Tae said with big pout.....

Jim-Oo I am really sorry baby....tell me what you are saying....
Tae-chim I am bored let's watch my favourite cartoon doreamon....yah come na....
Tae said dragging Jimin with him....

Jim-yah baby take it easy I am coming.....you go I am coming with snacks....
Jimin said and tae nod his head but he said to others....

Tae-you all watch too.....this cartoon is my favourite cartoon.....you will love it yah....
Tae said excitedly and clap his hand....

Jin-ok baby...
Jimin left to grab some snacks till then tae choose which episode he wants to watch Jimin came and sat with tae....

Whole time Jimin staring his Mark and others noticed too except tae who is in his own world....

Suddenly tae eyes fell on Jimin who staring his Mark.....tae too saw his mark and touch the mark....he close his eyes seeing some blurry vision....

Tae-ahhh stop....
Tae shout holding his hairs tightly....
Jimin came back to his sense and hug tae tightly near his heart....

Everyone worriedly come to tae....
Jim-baby calm down nothing is happening....
Tae-chim he...he will kill....
Tae faints in Jimin arms.....

Jk shout crazily he snatch tae from Jimin and started to pat his cheeks....

Jk-baby darling wake up don't scared Kookie.... please jaan my heart.....
Jk said his tears Started to fall....

Jimin pick tae from Jk arms who is crying mumbling something.....
Jimin goes his room and lay tae on bed....he covers tae properly....

He come downstairs....
Jim-why are you crying this much.... you should worried about your mate....
Jk-he is my mate....he is my queen hell queen....
Jk shout loosing his temper....

Jimin shout too....
Jk immediately Cover his mouth....

Jk-forgot what I said.....
Jk said and runs to his room and lock himself....

Jimin in his mind....

I know Jungkook you are lieing but I will found out....

Jimin too goes his room and lock door.... he take out one picture.....

Jim-I know Jungkook bear is your mate and I know bear is that angel who is more powerful than me

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Jim-I know Jungkook bear is your mate and I know bear is that angel who is more powerful than me....
But I have to learn how to use my power..... I can't made bear remember everything because I can't remember my past too.... first I have to learn to use my power....

Jimin hide that picture and came towards window he saw whole sky is in red colour....

Jim-wait that day when I get angry then whole sky turn dark red means my nature change weather if I get angry then whole sky turn dark when I am normal sky will normal to....
Jimin said to himself....

Jim-I will learn more to use my power.....
Jimin felt someone back hugging him....he recognise the touch....

Jim-are you ok baby....
Tae-yes chim....but what happen to me....
Jim-nothing you just slept watching Cartoon....

Jim-baby you want to go library....
Tae-yes chim I want to read some books.....
Jim-ok let's go.....

Both left to old library....
Tae started to find some interesting books to read.....

Jimin find book related to him......
Jim-weather change power.....
Jimin sat on one chair and start to read....

Jim-Well, only a few people have this power..... they can use power like this....first they have to close their eyes and concentrate in their powers.....

Jimin close his eyes and concentrate on his powers after sometime he hear thunderstorms....

Jimin wings come out he looking whole angel....he close his eyes and saw blurry vision get clear.....he saw someone proposing him and the shocking thing is that man is non other than min yoongi.....he saw everything....

Jim-eomma kitty..... I am sorry I forgot you....
Jimin said and fell on his knees....

Jim-bear baby....
Jimin said ready to runs....
Tae shout coming towards jimin....
Jimin wings disappeared....

Tae-chim I can't find books here....
Tae said with big ass pout.....
Jimin tightly hug tae....

Jim-I am sorry I can't protect you....
Tae-chim what are you saying.....
Tae said confusedly.....

Jim-nothing bub let's go home....
Jimin said and hold tae hand and left....

Both enter inside mansion and saw a girl sitting beside Jk clingy on his shoulder.....

Jim-who are you....
Jimin said gaining their attention....

Girl-who are you....
Jim-look miss first answer my question....
Jimin said normally.....

Girl-I am kim Jennie lisa cousin sister.....who are you....
Jim-park Jimin and my baby kim taehyung....
Jimin said coldly.....

Jen-are you devil....
Jim-ask to your family not me....
Jimin said and left with tae.....

Lisa-jennie both are angel's.... don't try to hurt tae if Jimin get to know he will kill you brutally without thinking twice.....
Lisa said.... Jennie roll his eyes....

Jen-I am a devil and both of them are weak angels, what will they do?
Lisa-you will know soon....

Jen-show me my room....
Lisa-yah come....
Lisa show Jennie his room....

Everyone left to their rooms too.....

To be continue.....



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