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It was early in the morning in late August of 2018. Around six in the morning, a time where no living person truly wished to be awake. But that was a sacrifice if you were the Head of the Auror office for the British Ministry of Magic as was Harry James Potter. A forty-eight year old man, his body wasn't as accepting to waking up early as he had been in his younger days. He was used to it though. Having three children and a wife who would make him check on the kids when they cried at night.

He smiled at the thought of his three children. This year, all would be attending Hogwarts, leaving him more time to himself at home. His oldest son James Sirius, was about to start his third year of Hogwarts in a couple of weeks, rejoining Gryffindor, meaning Albus Severus would start his second year as a Slytherin, and Lily Luna who was starting her first year, and was yet to be placed in the house.

He was glad his children were having and were going to have more of the best experiences that Harry remembered in Hogwarts. James was in great company, being friends with both cousins Victorie and Rose, along with two other boys, Jordan Westfield, whose mother was head of Wizengamot, and Javier De la Magia, whose father was the Minister of Magic in Spain, but attended school at Hogwarts. Albus himself was friends with his cousin Dominique who was a Gryffindor, along with Marco Schwardt a Slytherin, Seamus Finnegan Jr, and Hugo Weasley. Lily was yet to make any friends, but was going to start her tenure at Hogwarts with her cousins Fred and Louis.

There were other Weasley children, of whom Harry was their uncle after marrying Ginny Weasley, who had retired from Quidditch and became a journalist for the sport. Percy and Audrey had given birth to oldest Lucy Weasley, who was the oldest out of the bunch, being a fifth year. Her little sister Molly was a third year with James.

Will and Fleur had given birth to Victorie Weasley first, Dominique Weasley second, and Louis third.
George and Angelina had two children, the third year Roxanne and the soon to be first year Fred.
Harry's own best friends, Hermione and Ron had themselves two children, Rose, third year, and Hugo a second year.

Along with the family, Harry's old friends, such as Dean Thomas, had his own son in the third year. Lincoln, who for short was called Link. A funny troublemaker, just like his old man. Seamus Finnegan of course had Seamus Jr, who was called just that, Junior. Luna had married Rolf Scamander, grandson of the legendary Newt Scamander, writer of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them", and had herself a pair of twins named Lorcan and Lysander.

Harry himself had his three children, soon to be four, as Ginny was expecting. Yes. A fourth member of the Potter family was on the way. Ginny had given the news to Harry only recently, and a bump had not started growing on her belly, so they hadn't told their children yet. It'd be a nice Christmas surprise for them to appear on Christmas to see their mother with a baby bump.

"Mr. Potter!" Harry's thoughts interrupted, hearing his named shouted down the hall of the ministry of Magic.

Harry turned to see a ministry worker look at him with fear in her eyes. "Yes? What is it?" Harry responded to her concern.

"Mrs. Weasley requires your service, something terrible has happened!" She said, shaking.

"Alright, take me to her." Harry told the worker. The scared worker motioned for Harry to follow, and she led him down the halls of the ministry. As they continued walking, Harry remembered the path they were headed, towards the department of mysteries.

As he walked in, he could see a few Auror's and other investigators crowd the hall, as he reached the front of the crowd he saw a line magically drawn. A charm that wouldn't allow anyone to pass unless with permission. In front of the line stood Hermione Weasley (nee Granger). She glanced at Harry and pointed her wand at the line, it opening for Harry to pass through.

As Harry got closer, he could see something on the floor, a giant blanket that seemed to cover something on the ground. A small mountain in the blanket seemed to indicate there was a corpse there. "We have a problem." Hermione said to Harry.

"What is it?" The Head Auror asked, bracing himself for what he might see.

Hermione sighed, and looked at the blanket, grabbing it by it's edge. She hesitated for a few seconds before saying. "Forgive me." To what was probably the corpse under the blanket.

She pulled it off. There lied a lifeless body of an Unspeakable, his name was Julius Merryflower. Short, a bit of round shape to his body, hair arms covering his now almost paper white skin. His wand was in his hand, seemingly having fought before his death. Dried up blood came from behind him, showing that he hadn't been killed with a wand. But that wasn't the most shocking thing. Next to him, in what only could be his own blood, there was a large message written on the floor.

The Original Dark Wizard shall return in the body of another to take his rightful place with the blood of the Muggleborn Alchemist. The only equal to his power is another who has the blood of the Alchemist running through his veins.

Harry turned to Hermione with a seemingly concerned looking on his face. "The blood of the Alchemist.. You don't suppose.." Hermione began, but was cut off by Harry's grumble of his throat.

"It's him, Hermione." He told his friend. "Alert his mother."

The Next Generation: Rise of the Dark Lord [HP Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now