Chapter 7 Lucifer in court?

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After a few hours of going back to the Hazbin Hotel, their respect grew to eachother slowly but they still act mean tho and here ya'll will see why.

ALASTOR and LUCIFER emerge from the main entrance of the Hazbin Hotel, both adorned in their usual attire.

Alastor said proudly "Well, dear Lucifer, we've finally returned from our long-awaited vacation. It was a most enlightening experience, filled with delectable delights and thought-provoking perspectives."

(then they talked some shit for a while)

"...Indeed, Alastor. I found the Beach we were on, to be a curious place, full of both wonder and depravity. Their capacity for both evil and love astounds me." answered Lucifer

"Yes, the duality of their nature is a potent elixir for our thirst. It fuels our mission here at the Hazbin Hotel, to redeem these souls and harness their boundless energy." Al said

Suddenly there is a loud sound of the main entrence door opening. The hotel staff, including Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, and Husk, rush out to greet them.

"Father! Alastor! Welcome back! We're so happy to see you both." said Charlie as she ran to her Father like back when she was very young then she greeted them both

Vaggie then asked "Did you have a good time?"

Alastor Spoke up "Why, yes, my dear Vaggie. We ventured far and wide, sampling the finest wines, indulging in the most exquisite entertainments, and contemplating the mysteries of existence. But the time has come for us to resume our duties at this esteemed establishment."

Aw, come on, guys! Can't you guys take a break? We've been working our tails off here. Angel said

"Yeah, I could use a drink." Finally Husk said something

Lucifer asked The Radio Demon "Alastor, what do you think? Shall we grant the staff a respite?"

"Very well. However, the festivities must be brief. We have urgent matters to attend to." Al answered

"That's great! We can throw a welcome-back party. " The fact that Charlie had already everything planned in her mind without even asking others about it like always, didn't even suprise the others

Then there was the sound of Applause and cheering

"Now, my esteemed colleagues and wayward souls, let us celebrate our return with a sumptuous banquet. I have acquired a veritable cache of forbidden delicacies , including aged cheeses, delectable chocolates, and the finest wines." The Overlord said

"Oh, Woooowww.. that sounds amazing." Answered Vaggie with her bored voice

"I'll get the drinks ready." said Husk

Alastor spoke up again like the leader "Excellent. We shall gather in the grand ballroom at once."

As everyone goes inside, Vaggie pulls Lucifer aside.

"Lucifer, I need to talk to you about something." said Vaggie

What is it, Vaggie? Answered the King of Hell

Vaggie told then lucifer that.. "...It's about Charlie. I've been worried about her. She's been working herself too hard."

Lucifer was a bit worried 'cuz he doesn't like when Charlie overworks herself "I see. And let me guess, you believe I can help?"

"Yes. She respects you. Maybe you could talk to her." Vaggie spoke up

"Very well. I shall have a word with her." Lucifer said with a calm Voice

Lucifer walks into the ballroom. Charlie is standing by the window, looking out at the city below.

"My dear Charlie." Said Lucifer as he walked in

Charlie turned around.

"Oh, father. I didn't see you there." answered surprised Charlie

Lucifer then started to explaining and making things clear with his daughter "I understand you have been working diligently during our absence. But do not forget to take care of yourself."

Charlie lied because she doesn't want to see her father sad "I'm fine, father. I'm just a little... stressed."

Lucifer knew that, that what Charlie said wasn't true so he said "I know you are determined to redeem these souls. But it is a long and arduous journey. You must not lose hope."

"I won't. I promise." Charlie then promised her father that she won't lose hope

Lucifer said then in a cheery Voice "Good. Now, come and enjoy the banquet. It is the least we can do to celebrate your hard work."

Charlie smiles. "...Thank you, father."

Lucifer and Charlie join the others in the ballroom. The party is in full swing. Charlie Morningstar twirls on the dance floor, surrounded by her friends and guests.

Suddenly, the doors burst open and a group of SWAT officers storm in.

One of the Officers says "Lucifer Morningstar, you're under arrest!"

Charlie's eyes widen in horror.

Charlie asked horrified "Father, what's going on?"

Lucifer answered with a smirk "Looks like I'm going to spend my golden years in the slammer."

The officers cuff Lucifer and lead him away. Charlie rushes after them.

Charlie shouts "Wait! What are you charging him with?"

Officer explains "Murder, mayhem, and general pandemonium"

Charlie says "That's ridiculous!"

Officer answers "He'll have his day in court."

Charlie watches as Lucifer is taken away. She feels a wave of panic and despair.

Charlie mumbles to herself "...This can't be happening."

Vaggie comes up to Charlie "What was that all about?"

Charlie answered "They arrested my father."

Vaggie asked "Lucifer? Your father? What did he do?"

Charlie burst out in tears "I don't know. They said murder, mayhem, and general pandemonium."

Vaggie tried to cheer up Charlie "That's absurd. How can they arrest the King of Hell?"

Charlie said "I don't know. But they didn't seem to be joking."

Charlie and Vaggie exchange worried glances. They know that this could mean trouble for both Lucifer and the Hazbin Hotel. But they know that Lucifer will get out with their help or not.

Hey Guys! i decided to post a new Chapter for ya'll i hope you did like it and i am sure that the next parts will be really interesting! See you soon~

Stay tuned~~

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