Chapter Three.

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Partner: There were only a few people that he cared for dearly and his step-sister was one of them. Even if she was older he still felt responsible for her safety and well-being, but there he was hurting her. Even after hurting her she still offered to help put on his clothing after a hug and a soft kiss. What would he do without his lovely Amari.

His gaze was now focused on her forearm. Getting down on one knee to make himself look small as he lightly grabbed her arm and kissing the red blemished area.

"Please forgive me.."

He was truly torn, but he promised to make it up to her. Getting back up as he flew down the ladder first, as he helped her climb down the ladder.

It seemed like the family had gone to bed and the neighbors were no where to be found. Odd it was for their parents not even checking up on them, maybe they were so centered on their conversations that they forgot about them. It didn't bother Dan as he maneuvered through the dark hallway and leading to her room. Helping her inside as he said. Locking the door behind her as he cradled her in his arms now. Swinging her left and right as if she were a baby.

"Amari.. I won't hurt you again, I'll try to be more careful.."

The only hint of light illuminating the room was the street light. His eyes veiled as he leaned into her. Lips lightly kissing hers.

Amari: Amari would let him guide her towards her cozy little room, turning on the fairy lights just as she rested her hands on his arms, pressing a bit closer to him as she lightly kissed him back with a light sigh.

"...Thank you...Its okay...really...I'll be okay...just breathe..."

She whispered gently against his lips, pressing her body a lot closer to his.

Partner: He was becoming quite intimate with Amari. This no longer felt like a lustful trip, but a sign of angst and love. This was turning quite complicated, but Danny didn't care. Her lips were soothing his broken heart, knowing full well that she could mend it in no time.

His hands cupped her ass cheeks as he lifted her up from the floor. His shaft pressing against her tender lips that he was yet to explore.

"I know you'll be okay.. Because I will fix you Amari.."

He lightly laid her on the bed with his body on top. Reaching for her hands as he raised them above her head. "I want to make love to you Amari.. I know I don't know much, but I really want you to be my first.."

Amari: She would slowly slide her fingers to flow into his locks, gripping them gently just before she was oh so gently put on the bed and her hands rested above her head. She would lean up to slowly kiss his lips, pulling back a bit as she nodded.

"I know...I know'll do amazing...don't put yourself down for our first times..."

Partner: His hands released hers. Feeling her gentle touch body against his. Sliding down her body as he opened her legs wide. His face now between her legs as he looked up at her. It was only fair that he would get a taste of his own step-sister. Biting my lower lip as I asked.

"Mind if you show me how to..." Swallowing the knot in his throat, "lick your pussy..?"

Amari: She would blink in surprise at his request, her face flushing red just as her hands came to gently ruffle and lightly tug at his locks.
"...Just...Keep it it nice and rush okay?...I know you'll do great.."

She smiled reassuringly down to him, gently caressing his cheek.

Partner: He pressed his cheek against her loving touch. It felt like a soft feather lightly tickling his cheek. With those words of encouragement he snaked his arms around her legs, lightly prying them open and not wanting to make the same mistake as before. He was learning to become assertive, yet gentle.

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