Where it all started

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- 'thoughts'

I stare out the window of the class room where I see how the cherry blossoms have bloomed and how the wind carry's them away from the place they once were so they can go out and send their seeds somewhere else so that they can continue to share their beauty else where.

I admire the outdoors until I hear my name being called. "Mrs y/n, is there something more important outside then what I'm teaching?" I shake my head no because if I speak I'm afraid I'll get an attitude.

—at home-

I walk into the house not even knocking because I know that no one is home anyways. Mom is out working and dad isn't even here anymore. It's not like he died or anything. He was put in the hospital to fix some of his injuries he endured in a battle. While he was there though he escaped. He never came back to ask how I was or what I was up to and never left any trace of where he went.

I go to the fridge and take out the last thing of cold water. I head out and go to the middle of nowhere.

This is where I train so that I can make my mother proud. That's all I want.

My quirk is two in one. Mind reading and hypnosis. It makes it easy to fight someone but hard for one on one combat since it's not much of a physical quirk. It does however cause my right eye to have purple and yellow swirls in it. So kind of cool.

I look at my phone and see the time. "Oh shit!" I say while almost falling over due to being on a tree log. "I was out here for way too long! Ugh damn it! This is not what I needed!" I grab my stuff and run as fast as I can home.

While running on the sidewalk I run into someone making us both lose our balance.

I look up and see a green haired boy who wears the same school uniform as me.

I quickly get up and reach a hand to help him up. He has green eyes and little freckles all over his face. He looks to be the kind of kid who hasn't had a girlfriend his whole life.

" I'm so so so sorry! I didn't mean to get your uniform dirty or knock you over!" The green haired boy kept bowing and apologizing like as if I were someone of power.

" Hey it's okay! I ran into you and I'm also sorry." I run my hand on the back of my neck while the green haired boy looks me up and down until he finally says, " Don't you go to Aldera?" I look up at him nodding and a little confused on how he knew that.

It seemed like he could tell that I was confused and maybe even a little nervous.

"I knew that because we were wearing the same uniform! It's not like I was stalking you or something creepy like that! But then again how would you know because you've  never meet me  so how would you even know if you could trust me.."

The green haired boy kept rambling on and on and on until I finally came back to my senses and finally said something.

"I promise it's okay. I'll see you at school okay?"

He gave a sheepish smile and nodded while I ran off waving behind me.

The green haired boy stood there with his umbrella above him watching as I fade into the night. The rain gently falling on his umbrella.

———————at home————-

I rush through the front door and my mother is sitting at the table.. alone.

"Mom... I'm really sorry.. I didn't mean to be out for so long. I was just training and got lost of time and ran into someone and.."

"So that's your excuse?" She cuts me off while I try to explain myself.

Bakugo x y/n "Embers love"Where stories live. Discover now