Chapter 1.

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The ocean crashed against the the boats on the ports, shaking and swaying them as they docked. One of the boats was special however; one that has been expected for a few weeks now. Saint Madrid, a boat from the 13 colonies had arrived. The crew threw a anchor down and lowered the docking board onto the port. Many made their way out, carrying large crates to trade and barter within England. It didn't take long for the person of the hour to walk out the captain's office. He walked onto the porting area as he fixed his sleeve and jacket.

His long red, white, and blue hair was tied together to keep it out of his face. His face was white with red stripes, they also extended to some of his neck, which was covered by the high collar jacket he was wearing. His hands were covered with white gloves and they rested by his sides as he makes his way over to the markets by the ocean. The blue and red eyes scanned the top of the heads of everyone there until he found who he was looking for.

He walked towards the small group gathered at the empty side of the market by the road. Slow and smooth strides took him to the people that were meeting him here at the port. His father and mother, Britain and France, were talking to one of his siblings; It looked like Australia. He stopped in front of them, looking at his parents and brother as they talked. The three stopped and looked at him, France gave her son a soft smile and hugged him.

"America, you've arrived. I hope your trip went well?" France said, pulling away from the hug to look her son in the eyes.

America gave a small hum, glancing up to look at his father and brother. Britain was dressed in formal clothing while Australia was dressed slightly more casual. They weren't leaving to go meet up with USSR yet, thank God. He didn't want to meet anyone smelling like salt and a jumble of different spices. It must be the next day then.

Britain simply gave America a nod, but Australia ran over to him, nearly knocking him over in a hug. America stumbled back and caught himself before he got knocked onto the ground. A breath was let out when he felt the sudden crash into him from his brother. He hugged his brother before letting go of Australia. Australia was bouncing up and down and looked up at his older brother with excitement.

"It's been so long, America! I missed you! You didn't tell me you were getting married! Who is it? Is it true that he's from the East? Where did—" Australia was cut off by a look from Britain. American sent a glare to his father before looking back to his younger brother.

In truth, he didn't really know who he was going to be married to either. He knew his name, Russia, but he didn't know him personally. The truth would have immediately came out of his mouth, if it weren't it was his little brother he was speaking to. Australia was still a little kid, he didn't understand this kind of stuff. He thought of a way to walk around the question, and not sound like he was lying. Australia got a small pat on the head by America and he gave him a small smile.

"I missed you too, kid. I was planning on making it a surprise. And to answer your question, his name is Russia," America said, his hands withdrew and were on his sides. His face immediately went neutral when he looked down to his father.

It was France who broke their staring competition with her clearing her throat. They looked over to France and she nodded to the carriage that was waiting for them. Britain didn't say a word, walking over to the carriage and stepping inside. Australia ran over and got into the carriage with the help of France. America walked over and extended his hand towards France, who took it and got into the carriage with America behind her. He closed the door once he sat down next to Australia.

The driver flicked the reigns and the horses started to pull the carriage. America looked out of the window and watched as everything passed by, deep in thought. His chin was resting on his hand, which was propped up on his knee. A small pull on his sleeve pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked to see what pulled on his sleeve, it was Australia. Sitting up and not leaning on the door, he slightly turned to face Australia.

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