IMPORTANT VOTE + the next chapter

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Not gonna sugar coat it, I was being lazy and just finished the next chapter. I've had it sitting in my google docs since the beginning of April, and only now got the motivation to finish it. I've also noticed that the quality of my chapters tend to go down the longer they play out, so that's another thing I've gotta keep in mind. Hooray. Down below you will find the links to the next chapters.

When making the next chapter, I had branching Ideas, mainly revolving around N and J. You see, I do like N as a character, but I'd like him to have a bit more depth besides the whole "good boy" thing he has going on, which, I know, is ironic coming from the guy writing some fuck-all harem fanfic. A concept I've always wanted to play with is the Disassembly drones coming to terms with their own mortality. You see, the show tends to take death quite lightly, and the murder drones even more so given their regenerative abilities. However, it always stuck out to me that during the pilot, when N was literally dying from the virus, he wasn't too panicked by it. I found it odd, especially given that he seems to be the emotionally weakest of the three murder drones, and things can affect him easily. I've wanted to play around and change that, give him some phobia or form of PTSD from his first real encounter with his potential death, something that will be a recurring thing in this fic, namely the dark and the cold, and to a lesser extent, J herself; one fear born from the loss of vision and engulfed in just complete darkness, and the other from loss of feeling and familiarity, both from when he was dying, both from his fight with J. The murder drones are constantly on the verge of overheating, so I doubt they know what the cold feels like. Nothing is more scary than the unknown.

As a result of this Idea, there are two versions of this chapter. Nne being the original, with normal N, and the second version leaning more into the fearful N. The changes between the chapters will be highlighted for ease of reading, so just skim through to those parts.

Link to Original:

Link to N with PTSD version:

I'm bringing this topic up since it may seem like these changes are small, and may not seem like an important plot point right now, but it will, believe me, especially when it comes to reuniting with J and Tessa during my iteration of episode 6. So, as my audience, I want you to read both versions and decide whether or not PTSD would be an interesting trait to give N. Keep in mind, this WILL affect his relationship with J and how they react to each other in the story, as well as his character as a whole. If you all want to give N PTSD, he will fear J, and she will have to earn back his trust and attempt to put those fears to rest, he will fear the cold and being alone, he'll be a lot more cautious in fights. I give you all the option to vote on this because I myself cannot decide whether or not I want to add something like this, or just keep N as he is. And more importantly, you are all the readers, so whichever direction you like the most is the one I'll go with. My goal is to appease the audience after all. This vote will also decide whether any future alterations to characters would be ok with you all. Most of the characters who have had their personalities altered so far can just be chalked up to PLOT because of the harem-virus thing, so there's a reason for them changing. But things like N's new PTSD, N praying for dead bodies as mentioned in chapter 1, or any other ideas like that are mainly just to give more characters impact and interesting traits, or in N's case, can change relationship dynamics entirely.

Please think about it carefully before you vote. This will change how the story plays out. You may wonder why I need to make a whole ass vote for this, considering the whole harem idea is already pushing the boundaries of their character traits, and the reason being is besides the harem virus, I do want to keep things slightly in character for them. I don't want to change too much without risking what makes the characters who they are. But at the same time, I want to implement these new ideas if possible.

The vote will end on the 15th of May, and I will gather the results and decide the future of the fic's characters from there. The next chapter might potentially take even longer than a month to be released, since depending on the results, my plans for the future chapters may need to be changed around and revised.

Link to vote:

See you all on the 15th.

If none of the links above work I'll post them in the comments. If that doesn't work I'll post it in my conversations tab on my profile. If THAT doesn't work, maybe try access them from my Archive Of Our Own account instead, since im sure you can highlight and copy on there. My username is the same on there, and I post a lot more often on there as well. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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