Chapter 34

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The sun was edging above the cliffs when Sandstar and Fireheart padded down into the gorge again. Petalnose's body still lay at the foot of the Rockpile, but the Clan was relaxing from their vigil; only Rainfur remained close to him, her two kits sleeping beside her. Echosong sat at the entrance to his cave, piles of herbs around him as he examined Clovertail's fresh wounds.

Sandstar knew he should get his own wounds treated, but before he could head for the medicine cat's den, Poppystorm bounded over to him. Sandstar saw that her eyes were troubled, and a pang of alarm shot through him. Surely there couldn't be more danger?

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"It's Shortwhisker." Poppystorm glanced back to where the tabby she-cat was standing beside Cherrytail, Sharppaw, and Tinypaw. "She says she wants to leave the Clan. She wants to go back to her housefolk."

"What?" Sandstar brushed past her and headed for the little knot of cats.

"Are you completely mouse-brained?" Cherrytail was arguing as he came up. "You stuck with us through all the danger from the rats, and now that we've shown them this is our home, you want to leave? You've got bees in your brain!"

Shortwhisker flinched and turned to Sandstar with a look of relief. "I'm sorry," she began. "But the rat attack just showed me that I'm not cut out for life in a Clan."

"You did your duty like a warrior," Sandstar meowed.

"But I was scared," Shortwhisker protested. "Scared to the roots of my pelt."

"And you think the rest of us weren't?" Cherrytail growled.

Poppystorm padded up and touched Cherrytail's shoulder with her tail tip. "Don't be angry," she mewed. "We can't force her to understand." Turning to Shortwhisker, she added, "We'll respect your decision. But all the same, we wish you would stay."

"We'll miss you," Sharppaw told her.

Shortwhisker still faced Sandstar, and addressed her words to him. "I was scared," she repeated. "And I knew that I didn't want to give up my life for the sake of my Clan." She hung her head. "I'm a coward, and selfish," she murmured. "But I can't change the way I feel."

"You're not selfish or a coward," Sandstar told her. "The warrior code isn't right for every cat." He remembered his friend Patchpaw, forced to leave Thunderclan for fear of Goldenstar, and now living happily with Raven on the Twoleg farm near Highstones. "You must choose the path that suits you best."

"Then that's the path of a kittypet." Shortwhisker glanced around the circle of her friends, and though her eyes were regretful, her voice was certain.

"We're still your friends, Shortwhisker—" Tinypaw began.

"That's not my name anymore," Shortwhisker interrupted him. "I guess you'd better call me Lark again."

For the last time she climbed the trail to the top of the cliff; Sandstar, Poppystorm, and Cherrytail followed her. Lark pushed her way through the belt of undergrowth and paused at the edge of the scrubland.

"Good-bye," she meowed. "I'm proud to have been a Skyclan cat; I really am."

"Good-bye." Sharppaw nudged her with her shoulder. "Make sure you keep that Cara in her place."

"And tell the other kittypets about Skyclan," Tinypaw added.

Poppystorm dipped her head. "Farewell, Lark. Don't forget to come and visit us. You helped save Skyclan, and you'll always be welcome here."

Lark brightened a little. "I won't forget any of you—especially you, Sandstar," she added, glancing at the sandy-colored tom. "You've taught me so much."

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