The First Step to Man's Downfall

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Adam P.O.V

Taking out the red stick of a bitch was easy, it only took a few more minutes off his eternal afterlife than usual; the hit he managed to land was infuriating to him. Didn't matter though, no one is able to heal from a direct hit from his awesome weapon. That's what he loved about exterminations, he gets to let off some steam with endless slaughter and no chance of getting hurt. Plus, watching hot women listen to him without question and strike the fear of The Man into filthy sinners gets him off with no problems. Some surprisingly lovely looking sinners will even do a favor for him in return for not killing them, allowing him to let off a different kind of built up steam. Heaven doesn't care what he does with sinners as long as their population gets cut down each year and it's not like he can do it up in heaven, preserving purity and all that jazz. 'Heh, jazz is dead in the same way radio is. Especially that sinner, what with all his ending broadcast bullshit. What does that even mean, he was dead the moment I hit him. No one has survived my hit before. Granted, no one has been able to leave before he saw them die, but after tens of thousands of years he's grown curious to how his weapon works and has done some observations. He means it when he says no one survives a direct hit, they bleed out all the same.'

He looked up briefly at the badass angels in the sky doing what exterminators do best, getting rid of sinners. Looking down at the ground apathetically at the scattered bodies and they're separated parts. He noted they did what losers did best, die. He trained every single one of them what to do to win, that the worst thing they could do was be losers because all losers do is die. All they had to do was kill sinners and they'd naturally stay alive and in Heaven, if they couldn't handle that then they could be quitters; Vaggie should've taken notes. Anything was better than a Loser, and sinners were naturally losers and so needed to die. He was naturally a winner, First Man in Heaven and all, so he didn't have to worry at all. He'd show those losers, especially that goody-two-shoes Princess of Losers what it means to challenge Winners. Winners win, Losers lose. To lose means to lose one's life.

He stepped back from the edge of the dilapidated building, took hold of his holy weapon from the position it was previously in for him to lean against, and spread his wings. Just as he was about to take off he impossibly heard the red stick loser from behind him. "Were you about to leave? Why I'm sorry I took so long, I just needed a moment to collect myself. Why don't you stay so we can continue to exchange that delightfully stimulating... COnvErsAtIOn." He looked back to see the red stick of bitch standing there looking completely unbothered.

"Why are you standing there all smug?! So you fucking survived one shot, you think I can't hit you again!?" Adam demanded, he hated that the red stick's smile only grew.

"Ah, that was before some minor adjustments were made. I do hope they're to your liking as I do have to keep you entertained, uninvited guest or not." He played with his cane boredly, looking straight at him he says, "It would be rude after all, and I would so hate to be after your delightful welcoming gift." Adam stared at the loser, unable to comprehend why he would call the extermination a gift; and didn't he break that cane?

"So you're even more of an insane losing bitch than I thought. Guess I'll be doing everyone a favor when I get rid of you!" With that Adam sent a blast of angelic energy at Alastor, starting the second fight.

In the blink of an eye, Alastor was gone. Adam looked around before hearing his voice to the left, "Are you aware of the definition of insanity? Trying the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. Don't you know that even if I don't dodge those blasts I heal from them just fine!" Another blast was sent his way just for him to teleport out of the way again, "And weren't you the one to call me insane?" Adam growled in rage at being teased like this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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