Chapter 5

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~ Katie's pov~ 

It's been 3 months since school started, it's about 6 am and I'm trying to wake up Caitlin who is now dating Harry... 


~ Harry POV ~ 

Sitting in front of Luke Calum and Katie getting ready to ask if I could Date Caitlin is more nerve-racking than I thought

 "Ok I called you three in here to ask you if I could-" I started but Katie cut me off 

"Yes but if you hurt her all three of us will go stabby stab stab on you," She said 

"How did you know I was gonna ask that" I questioned

 " I sense things" She replied 

"She does its scary" Luke said" 

* Little while later *

"Hey Caitlin," I said laying next to her while looking at the stars, I told her that after dinner we would come out to the roof of the frat and watch the stars which she happily agreed to


 "Will you be my- will you be my girlfriend?" (a/n: this is hard sorry) I said and she shot up looking at me with a surprised face


"Will you be my girlfriend?" I said supporting myself on my elbows and looking at her 

"YES... um I mean yeah yeah sure why not" She said while I was laughing

 "Come here," I said as she climbed on top of me and pressed her lips to mine. 

*Flashback over*

"CAITLIN ARE YOU ALMOST DONE HARRYS GONNA BE HERE SOON" I yelled to Caitlin who was blow-drying her hair

 "HES USED TO OUR LAZY ASSES NOW" she yelled back, she does have a point

 "IM COMING IN YOU TWO BETTER BE DECENTLY DRESSED WELL AT LEAST KATIE" we heard Harry say while walking into the dorm.

 "By the way Katie, Zayn is sick so he's not gonna be at art today," he said which caused me to groan and fall back onto my bed

 "Buttttttt your boyfriend isn't busy you could go hang out with him," he said wiggling his eyebrows 

" he's not my boyfriend Haz," I said still lying on the bed 

"ok babe I'm ready, Katie don't burn the dorm down and there's a party tonight so don't fall asleep," Caitlin said walking to the door 

"No promises". 

After that, I decided to text Ashton cause there's no way I'm going to art alone so ill just skip.

To: Ash :) 

Hey I'm coming over, BE DRESSED 

From: Ash :) 

ok, may I ask why? 

To: Ash:)

No no, you may not

From: Ash:) 

Then I cant promise I'll be dressed,  see you in a bit  bit love

After that, I grabbed my wallet and got some shoes on then headed down the street to the frat. 

"YOU ALL BETTER NOT BE NAKED...AGAIN" I yelled walking into the house

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