Chapter 10

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*Flash Forward*

*Katies pov*

I had to go pick Ashton up from the bar downtown...again.

 "Come on Ash we gotta get upstairs" Once I got him to the upstairs bathroom I started him a shower and made him sit on the toilet lid.

 "Ashton." I said standing between his legs 

"Look I hate to say it like this but, Harry is dead, and there was nothing you could have done to prevent it. Drinking and smoking your feelings away is not going to help anyone or anything. We have all accepted it we are just waiting on you, sure we're all sad but we've moved on." I said holding his head by the sides of his face. 

"Katie listen," He said holding on to my waist he's sober now I can see it.

 "Im not right for you, I run when things get hard, I do this, the drinking and smoking, when im said. I've been doing this all year, why haven't you left yet?" He said he was about to cry... I can hear it in his voice. 

"I am not leaving you, do you understand me I love you ok I love you,"

 "Katie I don't want to break your heart," He said the tears coming out 

"Break it, break it a million times, I will always come back to you because I love you, and don't you ever doubt it," I said leaning down to kiss him. 

He kissed back and pulled me by my waist down to sit on his lap only for him to stand up and sit me on the counter, moving his lips down my jaw. 

~Luke's POV~

It's been 4 days since they left for Australia and we got a call a few minutes ago saying that Ashton would love it if we came to the funeral tomorrow so that's what we're doing. 

We're all packing and we're gonna get on the plane in an hour. 


Once we got to the airport we had to rush through security and get on the plane for 14 hours. 

this is gonna be fun. 

It's giving me time to think about things, mainly Katie and Ashton...

I won't lie Katie is beautiful I may or may not have liked her more than a friend in high school but I didnt do anything about it because she was my best friend's sister and my sister's best friend, if she didnt like me back that would have been a hell of a situation, The feeling eventually faded away because she became more of a sister to me. 

I met this girl named Maggie at the college but I don't know what we are, we've been hooking up but we haven't made it official. That's why I haven't told anyone.

Once we landed Katie was there to pick us up, but not Ashton. 

"He was fine the first week after he died but then something clicked and now he won't talk, he barely eats and rarely leaves his room" Katie explained while we were driving back

 "How are you gonna get him out for the funeral tomorrow?" Harry asked from the back 

"I have no idea," she said and we all slightly nodded as we approached the house.

 "Anne we're back," Katie said as we walked in the door

 "KATIE!!!" A little girl I assumed to be Lauren, his little sister yelled while running up and hugging Katie's legs 

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