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The rain asked her, "who?"

She answered, "Him".

Author's POV

Isn't it touching how the sky after bursting into tears, descended each of its drop upon the earth just to receive a cozy embrace of her? Tears of the sky softly fell, painting the world in the hues of grays. Whispers of the rain and its secret untold, stories woven in every droplet.

The cold breath of wind lulled the chaos heart of a woman to serenity but at a few moments  the wind itself betrayed the poor heart by carrying the waves of harsh reality, the reality of never receiving love in return.

Aadrika, a moment ago absent herself from the presence of his. Her heart floated with the peculiar yet overwhelming feelings that gave her urge to  throw out this pig-ignorant organ from her chest.

The flowers of mystifying yet heavenly feelings blossomed into the garden of her heart but the outpouring of fright swamped those beautiful flowers.

Her chest heaving up and down with the efforts of breath as her lungs could only able to draw small amount of air, her shallow breath mingling with the breath of wind. In every breath's sigh, in every heartbeat, in every droplet of rain that clung like a diamond on leaves, she saw him.

The wind seemed to be whispering his name in her ear, the droplets splattering seemed to mimic his laugh, and the dark clouds that were strewn all over the sky seemed to be reflecting his smile figurine.

On the spur of the moment,
Behind her, she sensed the presence of someone and the moment she spun around. Her spine stiffened and her muscles tense in surprise.

Aadrika's entire body went statue still, even her breath seemed to ceased. He was standing there. Staring at her  unmoving, unblinkingly.

His eyes were ablaze as they sink into her. They were trained on her face, studying her with a burning intensity. A dark, tumultuous storm brewed in his eyes and charged the air with electricity.

And before she could think of another thought, he wrapped his fingers around her bare waist and without a notice, yanked her delicate waist towards him. Her heart stopped, her breath jostled forward, shock rippling through her system. For a few precious seconds her mind froze up and together with her body, went into a complete lockdown. 

Her eyes involuntarily closed, blood rushed faster through her veins. Her mouth ran dry, her heartbeat raced. The new itch of something dark in her core brought her knees up, and she rolled her cold toe with timidness

A gulp strained in her throat, her cheeks flushing warm and red, she flickered her eyelids up to him slowly, shivering under the soft strokes of his  hand on her waist. Even her soul shivered against the touch of the cold metal of his ring.

The aggressively pouring rain, the smooth caresses of drizzles, the unforgiving murkiness, the roaring thunder, the hot yet soothing touch of his hand, stir something inside her.

His thick wet hair and stubbled jaw....the naturally light rose pink, the manliness and the mature look on his face made an astounding amount of effort to keep from blacking out. She felt her mouth went dry as a ridiculous squeaky noise passed through her lips.

"Aadrika....." His raw voice wrapped her skin lika a vine, his hot breath tickled her skin, the heat engulfed her from head to toe.

"My life is a hell, always burning and never at rest. All I ever want is not to let you burn and your happiness never turn into dust". He said and shut his eyes. 

"Even though I don't mind being that in your life, I'll be the dust trapped in the hour glass on your desk. Admiring you with each passing seconds, with each passing grain of sand" She replied, her eyes lit up.

A wretched, dark chuckled slipped from his throat and then his gaze met her, he just stared at her like there is no tomorrow, no yesterday, no worry, no melancholy just her in his arms.

"I am not strong enough to keep you safe."  He said, rawness stretching across his face feature.

"No matter how strong the mountains may seems, there is always a volcanic eruption that can weaken it by crumbling it into pieces". She said, her words carrying the heavy weight of her tenacity.

"My life and me are unimportant to anyone." He said with a pause.

"Nobody ever seeks to eradicate the darkness beneath the candle that burns unceasingly, illuminating the world around." She said, and smiled softly, her eyes twinkling with the rare shine of something, perhaps love.

"You should not love me; I am nothing more than a walking corpse for people."

He said, in a straight cold voice but a strange emotion grew thicker in his voice and he looked away, anticipating the response the majority of people had to say about him.

She shook her head, her brows snapped together.

"Maybe for others you're the heat of the summer they hate, but for me you're the warmth of winter I wait for....maybe for others you're the heavy rain they open the umbrella for, but for me you're the tiny diamond droplets in which I'm always read to soak in....maybe for others you're the shrivelled flower but for me you're that special beautiful flower that deserves to be in botique...maybe for other-" Her eyes shimmered with tears and words failed to reach on her lips as her lips quivered, her eyelids drooped.

He pulled her closer and hid her in his arms they weren't holding hands, but their shadows were.

"I wish, I could love you". She heard him saying and then the waves of realization drown her heart that it was nothing but a betrayal game of her mind, the imagination.

"But why not?" She asked herself, her voice barely above than a whisper that soon get lost in the whispers of breeze and a flowing tear of her eye washed away with the tears of sky.

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