Chapter 1

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On a private jet, we see a young Tony Stark in a seat as he was looking outside the window, see the clouds, clear as blue from his point of view.

Tony: As the weather men would say, that sky is nice and clear.

Pilot: *inter comm* Tony Stark, we are clear to land in about 27 minutes.

Tony: Aaaannnnd that's my cue. Well this flight was nice and all, but i guess It's gonna end..*notice a projectile flying towad the jet* soon.

It wasn't until that the projectile was seen as a homing missile, aiming straight for the jet he's in, Tony scramble to get the seatbelt off as he stumble away from the window.

Tony: Son of a bitch!!

Tony was only able to drop to the ground when the explosion set off and everything went white, muffled sound were heard, a muffled groan was heard, from him, a then a woman's voice.

???: *distorted and unfocus* Hello? Are you ok, young man?

Tony's sight was clearing up, but not enough, he look down at his chest, only to see sharp pieces of metal, impaled into his chest, digging in as his blood leaks out of the hole that the shrapnels were in, he feels weak as he then fall back on the ground, his vision clears up as he blacks out, the only thing he saw last was a lady with a dark face and hair and.....multiple eyes?

There are flashes of Tony screaming pain as a lady was seen performing a kind of surgery on hs chest, she seem to be worried and hoping to save his life, before it ends, it ended with Tony able to faint again, and he hear her voice again.

???: Don't worry, you'll be ok, hopefully.

1 hour late

Tony:......Argh, *groan as he open his eyes and linked twice*

Looking around the room as it was different than what he seen, from what he see, it was almost demonic, as if this type of thing exists, he hear a drawer opening, and see a person dressing herself, from her being almost butt naked, to covering herself fully, and now fixing up her hair, but the thing that wasn't what he expected, was her to have 6 arms from her own body.

Tony (mind): This is something i thought i wouldn't see.

Tony look over and see a glass of water, he reach for the glass until he feel a tug, from his chest, he found that alarming.

???: I Wouldn't do that if i were you.

Tony: *look at her* What?

???: *finish putting her hair up and turn to face Tony as she lean on her desk* I saved your life, before you died, pulling out the shrapnels in your chest, only some of it, most are still inside.

Tony: Then, *Look over to see a battery* why am i hook up to a car battery? *he then Look at his chest as he see bondage wrap on his chest, he rip them off to show a device attached on his chest, he gasps as he start to freak oit* Oh my gosh! Wha-what is this?!

???: Hey hey hey, don't be scared, It's what kepping you alive from the shrapnel from reaching your heart, a eletromagnet.

Tony: *look at her* You knew how to save me, yet i don't even know who or what you are.

???: But I know you, Tony Stark, *Tilt head* right?

Tony: Huh, good eyes, *notices her multiple eyes* oh sorry, i didn't mean it to be that offensive, Madam.

Arackniss: *dissmiss hand* It's fine, my name is Arackniss, and It's kind of hard to understand, but I am a spider demon.

Tony: *stares*....I'm sorry, you are a demon?

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