Sleep over

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Dipper left the mystery shack after his fight with Dallas. Pacifica chased after him

Pacifica: dipper were are you going

Dipper don't say nothing and keeps walking

Pacifica:Dipper*grabbing his hand*we can talk about this

Dipper:*stop walking*but what about Dallas

Pacifica:but there nothing going on between us

Dipper:but he said...

Pacifica:No!he was only like that because I rejected him



Dipper:Pacifica can I ask a question

Pacifica:yeah what is it

Dipper:uh I wanted to you me

Pacifica :w..wwwhy did Mabel did Dallas say anything *blushing*

Dipper: no I just wanted to know

Pacifica:oh well y..

Kid: *interrupting* hey guys Soos wants you two in here for this

Dipper:ok here we come

Dipper and Pacifica went in to see what Soos and everybody was standing there

Soos:now that everyone's here you guys are going to have a sleep over boys in Dipper's room and the girls are in Mabel's room

Jay:but why?

Soos:so you dude's can learn how to get along

Dipper:oh what ever

Pacifica:well this should be fun*giggling*

Kid: yeah fun for the girls

Dallas:like I can get along with them

Jay,Kid,Dipper,and Dallas all go there separate ways to get ready while Mabel calls Candy,Grenda because she didn't wanted just to be her and Pacifica in her room. So Kid,Dipper,Jay,and Dallas

Dipper:alright you guys don't touch nothing in my room and I got the bed so you guys are sleeping on the floor

Pacifica:why so mean*standing at the door smiling*


Pacifica laughs at Dipper when Mable calls her

Mabel:Pacifica we need your help over here

Pacifica:oh here I come

When She left Kid said something

Kid:soo you and Pacifica


Jay:I ship it

Kid and Jay laughs at Dipper

Dipper:can we talk about something else

Dallas:yeah we can

It's stay quiet for when Dallas thought of an idea

Dallas:we go see what the girls are talking about

Kid:oh that's a bad idea

Dipper:yeah it's a stupid idea

Jay:well I'll go

Dallas:ok let's go

Dipper:okay don't say we didn't worn you

So Dallas and Jay went to go see what the girls was doing Kid and Dipper stayed back and talked

Dipper:we told them not to go and if something happens watch we are going to be the ones who's going to have to get them out

Kid:there so dead*looking out the door*

As Dallas and Jay gets to the girls door they saw that it was cracked so Dallas took a look and no one was there so he turn around then looked back at Jay then back at the checked again when bam a pillow hits him in the face

Grenda:ha ha haa

Candy:we got him

Jay got up runs back in the room while the girls was distracted with Dallas

Mabel:if you guys want him back your ganna have to come get him

They look at Mabel

Jay:we have to get him back

Dipper:I don't really like him like that so yeah they can have him

Kid:Dipper you know we have to

Dipper:No not really?

Jay:come on Dipper we can't do it with out

Dipper:alright!I'll help but if we're going to get him back were going to need a plan

Kay:alright, what's the plan

Jay:yeah what is your plan?

Dipper:so Jay u charge in first and distracted Candy so me and Kid can take out Grenda then you take out candy when she's not looking then all three of us are gonna attack Mabel and Pacifica got it

Jay:got it

Kid:yeah we got this

Dipper:Team Legend on three

All: 1...2...3 Team Legend

Kid:were you get the name from

Dipper:it's just came to my head


Dipper,Jay,and Kid went to the girls room when they got there Jay opens the door and gets destroyed with pillows. Dipper and Kid runs in and they both attacks Grenda and take her out then Dipper throws his pillow at candy and it hits her but it don't take her out. Then Candy tries to attack them both but she gets hit from both sides so she was taking out they look around to if Mabel and Pacifica was around and they wasn't so Dipper started to untie Dallas and Kid was watching his back

Dipper:you ok *taking the tape off his mouth*

Dallas:ooooouch ! That stuff hurts

Dipper:well that pay back for hitting me in the face

Dallas:well you hit me first

They laughed as Dipper tries to finish untieing Dallas when he turns around and see Kid knock out on the floor then when he turns back around to finish and he see Mabel and Pacifica standing there in front of him


Bang!pillows hitting him in the face. The next morning Dipper,Kid and the guys woke up tied up on the flag pole in there underwear.

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