-1- Illogical

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Melody for the scene: Vanessa Mae - Storm.

Anna Viol Fraser couldn't say why she hadn't just blocked a strange guy named Thomas when the ringing of his message shook the melancholic silence of the night. But she knew for sure she wasn't letting herself quit this case now, when the adventure was beginning to go beyond the messenger. The reason invaded her life under a nickname consisting of question marks and without any greetings:

Well... How did you like it?

It was strange to read someone else's chats, it wasn't legal, but - she probably was a real sinner - interesting. When Anna first noticed the "spy mode", she decided to check if she had picked up some strange virus while she was once again exploring the Network. The antivirus, as expected, did not find anything unusual, and the received message put everything in its place.

Well... it's exciting
I felt like a web ninja turtle 😂
You did it, didn't you, Mr. Hacker?

A hacker? Is that what they call me?


I had and worse names.

Aw. So is this something bad now? Okay, I didn't mean to offend you or anything.

That's not what's important right now. We have a goal and almost no time.

Anna really decided to play along with this Duskwood group, even though she didn't even know anyone named Hannah. A double life has begun again, which has almost been forgotten.

Viol - the Internet entity was named by the middle name - came to life immediately after work and sat on the Internet at night, chatting with friends of the missing and parsing data from the cloud. Positive, a little naive and ready to help everyone Viol had qualities that had long burned out in Anna.

But in the morning Anna rose from bed. She fed the lazy black-and-white Shad, greeted her reflection in the mirror ("enjoy another terrible day, dear") and drank a large mug of strong coffee. The morning could be considered successful if it was possible not to leave a brown stain on a white shirt. After that, she could go outside and scare away the local kids with bruises under her eyes. This routine was invaded by the strange Duskwood world and its inhabitants, from each of whom she now expected any, even the most insignificant message.

But most of all, Anna (not even Viol) was waiting for at least some news from Jake. Since the first time she asked - almost jokingly and really not hoping for an answer - to talk. She, who believed that any picture could be more interesting than a real person, was attracted to communication for the first time. After only a few hours of acquaintance, it felt like they had known each other for years. Logical chains were mixed with completely stupid jokes, remarks and abstract questions. She understood that perhaps it was not worth even starting all this, that it would be better to chatting only on case and not get to know each other better. But she couldn't deny herself the pleasure of texting something that made him smile. And he, in the end, continued to answer her questions.

Along with the feeling of strange closeness, more and more questions appeared. He said that the kidnapping happened in front of his eyes, but for some reason he was silent about how it all happened. If Jake saw the kidnapper (even if he was wearing a mask) or his car, it would help greatly to narrow down the circle of suspects. If he didn't see it, then what kind of kidnapping could have happened in front of him? Something didn't add up here, but so far Anna hadn't voiced her suspicions.

Jake and Hannah's relationship was also unclear. What was the connection between these two and why should such a secret be made of it? How to translate into a universal human statement that he probably does not know Hannah personally? How could she protect (after all, they were really engaged in a dangerous story) this fool if he doesn't tell you anything?

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