Sister, Sister

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"Okay, that's it. Get out," "*| sighed, pounding on the door again. There was no answer. "*| smacked the door again with her palm. "You can't stay in there all day."

"Yes I can," a quiet voice pouted. "And I'm gonna. So... would you mind bringing me some snacks? Maybe some popcorn, a bit of chocolate -"

"No! Get out!" "*| scolded, facepalming.

"My life is ruined!" {'] whined. "Don't you understand? I can't leave this room ever again!"

"*| sighed. Teenagers... "You're being dramatic, your life is fine,"  she groaned. "Trust me, no one cares if they saw you -"

She heard a loud shuffling noise as {'] fell off her bed and scrambled to the door.

"Don't say it!" {'] shrieked, opening the door between them frantically to smack her hands over her sister's mouth.

But "*| managed to dodge the attack before snatching her little sister by the waist and lifting {'] out of her bedroom over "*|'s shoulder, grunting as {']'s legs smacked against her body.

"Should have listened when you had the chance," "*| smirked, still carrying {'].

"Unhand me this instant!" {'] demanded.

"*| did no such thing. "Not until you promise you won't run back to your little cave of isolation. We don't have to talk about... the incident. But you gotta get out of that stuffy room."

{'] huffed, crossing hers in a pout.

"*| grinned mischievously. "Okay... you asked for it..."

She suddenly set {'] down and began tickling all of her weak spots. {'] shrieked, but she could not stop laughing, no matter how hard she tried. It took all her focus to simply try to stop "*|'s hands from tickling her.

"Stop!" {'] laughed loudly.

"*| grinned, but she didn't end her torment. "Promise you'll go outside with me."


"Promise meeeeeee!" "*| whined playfully, drawing out her last word in the most annoying and high-pitched voice she could muster.

"Fine! Fine!" {'] managed. "I give up!"

"*| smirked as she let go of her sister. Both of the girls were panting hard as they held their aching stomachs, massaging their jaws after smiling for too long.

{'] sighed. "Thanks, you bully."

"Anytime, brat," "*| grinned.

A/N: Here's some fluffy sibling content for y'all! I'm thinking of writing some angst next, what do you think?

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