Skye vs Lucy

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Chase's POV: I waited for Marshall to bring the scroll

Marshall: I look at Chase like he was crazy you think I am going to get you that torn piece of the Dragon scroll right now at this hour get your God damn ass in bed you already had your little brother panicking

Chase: Do you want to see what the torn section in the book is or not? *huffs in annoyence

Marshall: Flames was coming from the side of my mouth

Chase: nevermind then

Marshall: I go into Zuma's room climbing in the bed with him as he opens one eye

Zuma: yes sexy?

Marshall: the dragon has chosen you to be with for tonight

Zuma: oh!~ Fun~

Marshall: well I can't wait for school in the morning

Zuma: I know what I can't wait for~

Marshall:good night

Zuma: Sleep well *rubs your balls

P.o.v the next day Marshall and the crew headed into the academy as everyone was staring at Marshall never seen a dragon in person besides the fire dragon that was in Marshalls Kingdom as all the girls and guys was trying to talk with Marshall as even a few of the girls straight up flirting with him in front of Chase and the boys

Chase: *growls

Marshall: after a few minutes me Chase Skye and Zuma went to our first class as Rocky had magic history while we had magic combat for first period

Zuma: Dude, you trying to get us jelly?

Marshall:what are you talking about

Zuma: THose gguys and gals

Marshall: is that what you boys are mad about I said laughing at Chase and Zuma sitting down in my seat

???: I see you replace that door Fire Kingdom boy real quick Chase and Zuma

Chase: Belt it asshole

Zuma: you don't know our sexy boy. And there was no replacing

Marshall: I put my feet on the desk as the teacher walks in

Zuma: *lays on the desk

???: hello my students and welcome back so sadly we have lost one of our students

Marshall: I start chuckling as Skye is covered her face

Chase: oh boy

???:and what is so funny

Zuma:*looks at Marshall as if he was going to explain

Marshall: not everything is As It Seems as the mysteries of the universe is always a funny thing once you think you have the answers it's slowly Slips Away

Skye: that is true

Lucy: saying that demon from the dark Fire Kingdom is still alive

Chase: that's a high possibility

Marshall: I get up out of my seat walking towards the board well I guess I better introduce myself I said as my dragon tail was whipping around

Chase and Zuma: *chuckles softly

Marshall: I left my whole Roar as I stretch popping joints and bones


Marshall: I write on the board in fire my name is Marshall

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