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Liko walked toward Y/N as she put all of her hands over to his shoulders.

Y/N: "Liko, what's going on?"

Liko takes a second before speaking confidently and looks directly to his eyes.

Liko: "Please Y/N you are the only one that I could trust with."

Y/N: "Well, now, spill the beans already."

Liko removes her hands over to his shoulders and then takes a step back to give a personal space.


Y/N can not interpret what she is saying because she said it faster. To cut to the chase by putting his hands over to her shoulders and shaking her in panic.

Y/N: "C a l m d o w n yourself, Liko! You are making me panic too, you know!"

Liko: "Wahhh!"

At the moment, Liko is calm due to Y/N's action. He removed his hands over at her shoulders.

To snap out in dizziness, Liko shakes her head rapidly to remove it. After that, she lean herself to Y/N, grabbing both of his hands to fuse together and leaning her face close to him.

Liko: "Please protect me!" She begged.


Y/N: "eh?!"

Meanwhile, at the outside of the room. A young man dresses in black and stops himself in front of the door as he leans his gloved hand to knock.

Inside the room, when the knock noise echoes through the room, Y/N and Liko gasp in suprise. Liko suddenly dropped the small rectangular box at that moment. Fortunately, Y/N caught it in time.

Both of them sigh in relief. Liko immediately grap a pendant inside the box and puts it to her neck. Y/N grabbed Liko's bag as they both walked to the open window.

The first one goes unto the window is Liko's sprigatito, a weed cat pokemon, then next will be Liko. Before Liko turns to go to the window to escape, Y/N gives her book to its owner. Soon before it's Y/N's turn, his shiny charmander grabs his foot until it is now on his shoulder.

Outside the room, the young man knocks on the door again.

(???): "Miss Liko?" He said it in firmly voice yet stoic, then he opened the door to go inside by sending out his pokemon. He returns his pokemon when he steps inside.

After he finished examining the room that Liko was not here anymore, only one piece of evidence that is left on he room is the window is open.

(???): "She should come with me quietly."

In a second, a rotom phone, which is his, come out and face it near his head.

(???): "The target has escape, and she's on the run." He is communicating to his grunts through rotom phone.

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