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Jake demanded Tom stay behind despite his offer to help, one of the other wolves stayed behind to patch Tom's leg up as best as possible, I led the rest of the pack out and toward the cave "why keep the bow hunter?" asked Jess "Its in the name, when I was young me and my uncle Joe went hunting quite a lot, I was great at it plus the fact we as werewolves cant exactly fly can we" I replied giving her a quick glance she nodded she stayed silent the rest of the way as the cave came into sight we split into three, Jake, Jess and another wolf went  to the left of the entrance and 3 others whom I hadn't learnt the names of yet to the right, and me alone in the middle with a arrow prepared, we split up just in case of humans trying to flank us and so we had the element of surprise if they came back to exit.

A woman of middle age appeared  she looked down at the bow which was in my right hand and recognised it was her friends, she removed five arrow's and dug them into the ground ready to fire. She prepared  an arrow but a small, thick gland of her golden hair distracted her for a few moments, all I needed to shoot an arrow and kill, but killing an unprepared enemy was really un noble, she flicked the gland of hair away I released the arrow and it shot straight through her skull. The silver tip shined at the back of her head, jogging forward Jake gave me a thumbs up I prepared another arrow just in-case, but it wasn't needed.

The deadly corner came into view, the lava giving off heat the others changed into their other side as silent as possible I stayed human and kept hold of the bow, Jake and Jess tore into the dear I killed earlier, leaving the rest of us to advance, We peered around the corner. There was about ten humans leaning over the edge they had left there weapons and ammunition on the left of the cave avoiding the decapitated body on the right. One of the humans tried to catch the ledge were Tom had previously landed, he took a few deep breaths before leaping, he made the jump and turned around with a smile on his face until he saw us His smile faded instantly he fell stiff and tried raising his arm, but the weight of his body threw him off the edge.

The rest of the humans whispered amongst themselves, "BOO" , in shock some of the humans slipped off the edge, a few stood still, but one of them reached for his bow I reacted quickly shooting an arrow into his shoulder, It tore straight through and detached it from his body He screamed out in pain, placing his meaty left hand over his blood gushing limb. Jake and Jess hurled themselves around the corner, as soon as they saw our catch they approached and howled horribly, with blood dripping from there jaws, even more horror filled the humans eyes, with no way out they had the choice to jump into the deadly lava and die slowly and painfully or become chew toys.

They looked at one and another two took a step back and filled the cave with there screams, leaving  six of them to become our snack, just as we were about to rip into them, One of them dropped to their knee's and put there hands together, they started praying 'Oh lord my saviour protect me in my time of need and send your blessing onto me'. We avoided him but chewed into the rest with our blood stained mouths and paws we turned around but Jess stayed and opened her jaw wide enough to fit the praying man inside, growling at her, she retreated, I returned back to my human form and took the remaining arrows and an extra bow, I kicked the remaining bows into the lava and turned my back on the priest, and walked out to the others.

We returned to the burrow and went into our smalls rooms I slumped against the wall and began counting the arrows I had recently stolen, one hundred and twenty arrows total, I decided  to go out and practice my aim, after all the years that had passed since I last killed and animal with a bow and arrow, I'd thought I'd of gotten rusty over the years evidently not a kill with every arrow. After killing enough wild animals that would feed the pack, I began dragging the corpse back to the burrow, I felt something jolt behind me I dug my feet into the snow and tugged at it after a couple minutes of tugging I stop as nothing had had happened.

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