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(I made the cover art for this story)

I am a 9th grader almost 10th grade  and a week ago I finished the book touching spirit bear for my class novel study. Me being me I shipped peter and Cole because they are boyfriends. I can only hope the
people reading this are other high schoolers who decided to either safely look up peter x cole at home...or do it at school ! Like i did. There is no shame. (This is why i have a 69 in English.)


                  PART 1

It had been a day since Garvey had left the island. I sure did miss him and stuff but honestly I was relieved to be alone with Peter. It had been a few days since the fight and since he taught me how to start carving. Before Garvey left he had a talk with me about what happened and I simply explained it to him.

"Peter felt angry garvey, Thats it. He felt the same way I did when I came to the island, he needed that."
"Hmm. Did you hit back?"
Cole shakes his head.
"No. I had no place to. I don't know if I believe I deserved that, but Peter did and that's what matters.
I want Peter to find the peace he needs, and I need Peter to forgive me, no matter how much it takes."
Cole stares Into Garvey's eyes with determination.
Garvey sighs.
"Im proud of you champ. Your growing. I can tell.
Well, Peter asked me to leave the island today. How does that make you feel?"
Coles eyes widened.
"He what!?"
A bright smile played at Cole's lips as his eyes practically sparkled.
"Mhm. He trusts you. At least a little. Thats a lot. A little trust is worth more than anything Cole. Remember that when after I leave."
Cole nods silently and stares at his feet he tries to keep a straight face his choppy over grown dirty blonde hair covers his eyes and a smile breaks through. Cole is so damn happy he had earned any kind of trust from Peter.

"Peter, Ive told Cole what you requested and He's okay with it."
Peter nods.
Garvey gets onto the skiff stowing his stuff away onto it. He says his last good byes and waves going off into the sunset it was honestly majestic perhaps today's nature dance would be of Garvey...Cole chuckled mentally before turning to Peter.

"Thank you so much Peter!! This means the whole world I-Im so happy you trust least a bit?"
Peter shrugged.
"You gave me that... At.oow...thing It seems Its whatever."
Cole smiles at Peter.
"Just you and me Pete."
Peter rolled his eyes.
"Do not call me that."
Cole chuckled to himself.
And with that the they started their new era on the island. One that would include just Cole and Peter.

Present time: 1 day after Garvey left the island.

Cole woke up bright and early stretching out he got up and tapped on Peters shoulder.
"Peter? Peterrrr. Wakey wakey? Get up sleepy head???"
Peter whimpered and swatted at Cole,
It seemed that he was very sleepy today.
Cole sighed and crossed his arms.
"Wake up Cheeto head."
Peter responded to that one and woke up getting out of bed.
As soon as he did he had a spur of bad movement and began to fall.
Cole sprang into action he caught Peter fast. He held Peter close to himself as if Peter was this precious being he had to guard and felt cheesy and wrong. He gently helped Peter straighten out. Peter looked embarrassed he then whispered.
"This is your fault."
Peter sounded serious and almost pissed. Cole knew why he understood very well.
"Im sorry peter."
Cole whispered sheepishly.
Peter just sighed and walked jaggedly past Cole for the front door of the makeshift shelter.
Cole felt gross but he couldn't help but stare at Peters behind as he walked awkwardly forward with that stumble he had. Cole snapped out of it and gently grabbed peters bare sides. Peter and Cole had both been in nothing but underwear, They agreed sleeping that way felt the best.
As Cole grabbed Peters sides he jumped slightly.
"Peter...Let me just—"
Cole held Peter up a certain way so walking was easier. Peter felt annoyed with Cole.
"You know...just because i forgave you doesn't mean you have to turn all soft and loving on me. I know you don't really care..."
Cole frowned.
"I do care a lot. We covered this..."
Cole looked into Peters eyes.
"Peter. We have to talk about what happened 3 days ago."
Peter froze as they were just out side of the small cabin.
"No we don't...."
"PETER! Come on? We saw spirit bear? You beat me up and I held you...I held you in my arms while you sobbed...I felt you..I could feel you— Just like the spirit bear."
Peter just stared at Cole shocked he didn't speak. He honestly felt pretty guilty for beating Cole up even if it felt great. It wasn't as satisfying as he'd imagined it all the times late at night when he stared at the celling unable to sleep while recovering.
Cole grabs Peters sides.
Peter sighs and allows Cole to help him.
Cole helps Peter to the pond for a soak. Once they reach the pond they remove their underwear and Cole tries hard not to stare at Peter...
Cole gets Into the pond and begins wading over to the rock before he sits down. Peter catches up and sits with him.
Peters teeth chatter slightly. Cole breaks his focus and looks at Peters chattering teeth he giggles.
Peter glares over at Cole.
"What the hell is so funny?"
Cole smiles softly.
"Peter try to think of something else. Think of something in your life that makes you mad or something that makes you happy."
Peter grumbles and looks down at the water.
"Okay— now what...??"
"You have to focus on that. And not how cold the water is. Take deep breaths and let go, Let the numbing take you."
Cole gently drifts his hand through the water and grabs Peters hand.
"Relax okay?"
Peter lets out deep breaths and holds Coles hand back firmly he closes his eyes and lets his mind wander.
Cole stares at peter he stares at his skinny pale frame his slightly damp ginger mop. It was cute how it curled a little. Cole was sure his own hair was over grown and dirty but Peters hair wasn't too bad yet. Cole wanted to touch peters hair. It looked so curly and soft...
Coles thoughts had wandered completely to Peter.

Peter felt himself begin to relax his teeth stopped chattering so hard and he seemed to forget about the cold he leaned back and felt calm as the cold water numbed him so hard it became warm.

the coldness became enough and Cole helped Peter out of the water he tried hard not to stare down, he tried so hard.
Peter put his underwear on and so did Cole
"W-e shoula graved orr cloothes be for we leffff- ttt"
Peters speech was acting up right now and his words were slurring, his words had always been slurred since the beating from Cole but they were bad right now. Cole Just nodded a little fast and smiled.
"Yea. Agreed it's so cold, Today wasn't the kinda day to forget them."
Cole didn't want to draw attention to Peters slurred words, he wanted Peter to feel normal and okay.
Peter stared at his feet as they walked. It was awkward. Cole thought Peter might not be speaking because of his speaking disorder, Cole cleared his throat.

Coles voice cracked.
"I like your hair....It's really nice."
Peter looked at Cole and whispered.
"Tha- inks"
Cole smiled and nodded.

Peter and Cole had rolled the ancestor rocks down the hill they had crashed and left the boys feeling relieved.

When Cole and Peter returned to camp. They got dressed and were chilling inside.
Peter grabbed his stomach.
"Cole, I'm hungry."
Peters slurring seemed to less apparent again.
Cole stood up fast
"Stay here. I'll go make you some fish."

Cole was at the camp fire he grabbed some fish from the cooler he had tried to make sure there wasn't too many bones as he started cooking it, he salted it and put pepper on it he grabbed some herbs that Garvey had gave him and put it all over the fish. Cole then relaxed and stared off at the forest he began to think about Peter and how sooner or later he'd have to do something about his feeling.
Cole pushed his hair back and sighed deeply.
How would he tell the ginger boy about how after he had heard about the depression and suicide attempts all he wanted to do was give Peter a big hug and tell him how stupid he once was to beat up such a sweet boy.
Although Peter had pissed off Cole ever since he got to the island, Cole knew why. Anger was an ugly emotion. And he didn't want Peter to constantly feel angry he had taken Peters abuse for himself but also for Peter.
Cole stared at the flames. So pretty as they cracked and popped, they kind of reminded him of Peter in a strange way. So poppy and snappy...the flames reminded Cole of those curly red locks....Coles mind went back to the subject at hand. How would he tell Peter of the fact somewhere along the way...he had— developed something for Peter. How could he not? Peter was so adorable. His soft curly orange hair his skinny frame, his cute little freckles. He felt guilty but Peter really reminded him of a wounded puppy.
Cole wanted so desperately to rehabilitate him...although he knew he could never fix Peters disability he wanted to give Peter a life that wasn't a struggle...

By the time Cole was done thinking he had finished cooking the fish. Cole grabbed a paper plate and cut the fish apart making sure to take out the guts and gross bones once he was done he fixed it together with a fork and walked back into the cabin.

When he walked in he saw Peter was shirtless.
Peter was shirtless and he was cleaning something and off his chest with some water on a cloth. Peter turned to Cole.
"Mmmm that smell? You finished cooking?"
Peter looked excited he went to get up, but before he could Cole rushed to his side.
"Don't worry just eat it in here."
Cole's face was red and he kept staring at Peters exposed chest.  he handed the peter the plate of fish before sitting on the the bed and watching Peter.

Peter took the fork and slowly ate the fish. He took small careful bites. Peter dropped some of the food onto his lap and looked down.
When Cole saw this he reached for the fish and brought it up to Peters lips.
Cole said super softly as he gently pressed the fish against Peters lips. Peters face turned a little pink as he opened his mouth. His tongue touching the fish and Cole finger a little.

Cole felt gross again he liked this sight so much...Peter with his mouth open like that while Coles fingers were basically pressed into it.
Did Peter lick Coles finger?? By accident, obviously.
Cole removed his hand bringing it to rest on the bed as he leaned back and supported himself.
Peter was really quiet and when the fish was half done he thanked Cole and gave him the rest of the fish.
"You have it. You cooked it."
Cole instantly shook his head.
"Peter you need all of it. You have to stay strong and healthy. Are you gonna make me feed you the rest of this fish?"
Cole smirked joking.
But Peter's face looked absolutely shocked. Cole gulped. Had Peter taken his words seriously? Cole shook his head.
"I- i am kidding? Um here."
Cole handed peter the plate and got up to leave. Cole headed towards the totems, and took a seat on a piece of drift wood. His face bright red.

Peter sat in the cabin alone. He was completely shocked. Cole had just...fed him? And teased him. Peter felt all sorts of things he tried to just shake it off and kept eating the fish until it was all gone.

Word count: 2138

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