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Nikita/Alaric opens the closet and takes out 2 shirts. Katherine is sitting in a chair.

Nikita/Alaric: Oh! Who is this guy, Safari Sam?

He shows the shirts to Katherine.

Nikita/Alaric: Okay, bad, or badder?

Katherine: The dark colors suit you better.

Nikita/Alaric: Oh, thank you, Love. Okay, pop quiz. The dagger and white ash are in the Salvatores' possession, correct?

Katherine: The dagger was used to kill Elijah. You'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house.

Nikita/Alaric: Okay, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is. The last thing I need to do is resurrect Elijah. Oh, that guy is a buzzkill.

Katherine: Don't forget you're on the outs with your girlfriend Jenna.

Nikita/Alaric: Right. Elena's aunt. For all the lies about Isobel. What else?

Katherine: That's it.

Nikita walks closer to her placing her hand on her face.

Nikita/Alaric: Anything else? Tell me, darling?

Katherine: They were trying to see if Bonnie could find a way to kill an Original without a dagger.

Nikita/Alaric: Bonnie the best friend? I thought you said she didn't have her powers anymore.

Katherine: She doesn't or didn't. I don't know. You kidnapped me, remember? I'm kinda out of the loop.

Nikita/Alaric: Well, we'll have to get to the bottom of that.

Nikita leans into kiss her but Katherine stands up and places her hands on Alaric's chest pushing her away

Nikita/Alaric: Why'd you push me away? I wanted to kiss you

Katherine: You are not kissing me with Alaric's lips, Nik. Get your body here and then you can kiss me all you want.

Nikita/Alaric: While I'm gone, freshen yourself and make yourself beautiful.

Katherine: Where are you going?

Nikita/Alaric: I'm gonna go lay eyes on my precious doppelgänger.

Nikita kisses her on the forehead

Nikita/Alaric: The fun is only just beginning, my love.

She leaves the apartment.


Nikita/Alaric walks into the classroom

Nikita/Alaric: Hello, class. What are we learning today?

Dana: With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the sixties all week.

Nikita/Alaric: Right. The sixties.

Nikita catches a whiff of a heavenly scent and sniffs the air, her eyes landing on Elena. She tilts her head to the side, smirking and growls lowly

Nikita/Alaric(whispers): Mate.

She writes on the board.

Nikita/Alaric: The sixties. I wish there was something good I could say about the sixties, but...Actually, they kind of sucked. Except for the Beatles, of course. They made it bearable. Uh, what else was there? The Cuban missile thing, the...we walked on the moon. There was Watergate.

Elena: Watergate was the seventies, Ric. I-I mean, Mr. Saltzman.

Nikita/Alaric: Right. It all kind of mushes together up here, the sixties, seventies. Thank you, Elena.

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