Chapter 13

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There is a war coming and we have to be prepared for it. I trust that Theo wont tell his parents anything about what we know because he didnt have to tell us what he overheard at a meeting with The Hierarchy. He chose to and that took a lot of strength. His courage is something you dont see in everyone. I slept well considering everything that went down. Especially after I finally addressed King Leon as my dad. Biologically he is my father, but he has shown again and again that he would go to extreme lengths to support me, and it just feels right to say it. There are just so many thoughts going on in my head and I just want all of us to be safe. I wake up at four oclock in the morning and just cant fall asleep. Then to my surprise, I walk downstairs towards the kitchen for a snack, but both the King and Queen are wide awake. I grab some cake and sit with them. (Princess River): Morning mom and dad. You couldnt sleep either? (King Leon): We needed to ensure your safety and the safety of our family. We are the royal family, and we are going to find a way to win this war (Queen Jennifer): Anything to protect you, my darling (Princess River): Who is that at the entrance? (Queen Jennifer): Relax, honey. We have some people moving in with us (Princess River): Who? I head over to the entrance, and I see everybody is here. Malachi, Wes, and Storm are all here. All their stuff is here. Oh my gosh! They are going to live with us! (Princess River): You guys are going to live in the palace? NO way! Seriously? (Westmore): Better believe it, Riv. Were here to stay. As long as I dont have to wear anything fancy then its perfect (Storm): Come on, Wessie. At least one suit? (Westmore): Alright. One suit Everyone greets each other as they are having their bags and boxes brought in by the palace staff. Then once we have shown everyone where each of their rooms are, we all sit together in the formal adjoined royal office. Myself, mom, dad, Wes, Storm, Malachi, and Lee-Ann. Its time that we tell Princess Lee-Ann the truth about everything that has been going on. We need to let her in on everything because she could be in danger as well. We know that The Hierarchy doesnt particularly care about collateral damage. So, any one close to me could be in danger as well. She and I have been building a relationship since we are half-sisters, and it was much needed. (King Leon): Lee-Ann, sweetie there are some things that we need to discuss with you because you were bound to find out sooner or later (Princess Lee-Ann): Whats going on? Why is everyone here at this time of the night, father? (King Leon): Everyone is going to live with us, and our security will be increased for all our safety. We have to protect each other (Princess Lee-Ann): I dont understand. Father, whats going on? (King Leon): Your sister and Storm are soul-sisters. They share the bond that The Hierarchy has been chasing down for over a century and they are being targeted due to your sister being a pure-bred white phoenix as well (Princess Lee-Ann): Is this true? You come into our home, bond with me as a sister, and now my family is in danger because of you? (Princess River): Watch your tone there, Lee-Ann. We might be half-sisters, but I am the older sister whether you like it or not. Yes, what father says is true and we are all in danger, but I will not apologize for a horrific law that my non-biological dad and best friend literally killed for in revenge (King Leon): Hold on for a moment. Malachi, what is my daughter talking about? What did you and John do? (Malachi): Leon (King Leon): Oh this is just fantastic! (Princess Lee-Ann): You and your best friend killed my grandparents in cold blood? (Malachi): They were already cold-blooded to begin with, little girl (King Leon): WATCH how you speak to my daughter. You had NO RIGHT (Malachi): NO right? Due to a ridiculous murderous law your parents created; my wife was killed! Yours ran for her life because of it! (King Leon): So, what? Two wrongs make a right? The last time I checked, an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind, Malachi! How dare you call yourself my friend after everything you have done to my family? (Malachi): To your family? My son had to grow up without a mother because of your parents! I watched the love of my life protecting your wife and daughter! Thanks to a screwed-up law YOUR parents started that has your daughter and family in danger yet again! (Queen Jennifer): Okay thats enough, you two (King Leon): You knew about this? You knew that they are the reason why my daughter never got to meet her grandparents? (Westmore): Youre welcome (King Leon): Watch your mouth, young man (Malachi): Dont you talk to my son like that! (Princess Lee-Ann): Or what? Youll murder my father like you murdered my grandparents? (Westmore): Shut your trap, spoiled brat (Storm): Wes, please (Westmore): No. She got to grow up with both parents in such a fancy-ass palace and was literally given the silver spoon treatment from birth. Yet she thinks she has a leg to stand on just because my father murdered murderers? (Princess Lee-Ann): They were NOT murderers! (Malachi): YES THEY WERE! Your father knows that. Your mother knows that. Every breed that breathes in Ethereal knows that (King Leon): I told you that I am sorry for what happened to Anna, and I genuinely meant it. You just casually left out oh by the way, we killed your parents out of revenge just before escaping the realm? (Princess River): ENOUGH EVERYBODY (Princess Lee-Ann): How could you- (Princess River): Like Wes said, shut the hell up for once. Both acts were wrong! Regardless of who were murderers and who were innocent. The fact is that the former King and Queen put a law in motion because they wanted my mother to be buried six feet underground instead of married to our dad. The same law led to almost the extinction of all soul-sisters with so much bloodshed! Now that same law is what is leading us to all be in danger. There is no way to change the past but there is a way to fix the future. All of that depends on what we do in the present. Nothing will get fixed if we keep pointing the finger at each other! Everyone looks absolutely infuriated but they know what I am saying is true. We could argue until they break into the palace to kill us all or we could fight to see another day. I am sure that dad knows it was wrong of his parents to enforce that vicious law. He knows that it was wrong of them to hunt down soul-sisters by the thousand in the hopes that one day would kill my mom. Then he would know that his best friends wife being one of the victims of the murderous law is something thats truly awful and Im sure he feels guilty for it. We just sit down in silence for a few minutes that feel like hours. Everyone apologizes to one another, and I am just feeling really exhausted. Storm and I go for a walk to the lounging area so we could have the fireplace turned on and relax. The staff brings us some things to eat and drink as well. We are both emotionally tapped out. She can feel it as much as I can. Being an empath sucks. (Princess River): Gosh. I am beyond exhausted. How could that much energy exist at once? (Storm): Youre asking me? That was a nightmare. It felt like my entire body along with all of my organs were being completely stretched out over and over (Princess River): I feel your pain. Literally. The things that were said was so cruel. The energy was painful to endure (Westmore): Hey, you two (Storm): Hey baby (Princess River): You alright? (Westmore): I honestly dont know how to feel about it really. No one was in the right. My dad was just doing what he and John felt was justifiable after what happened to my mom and nearly to your mom too. You could have been killed before you were even born, Riv (Princess River): I get that but clawing each others eyes out wont bring any of them back, Wes. I could kill everyone in The Hierarchy, and it wouldnt bring your mom or any of the innocent soul-sisters back to life. All we can do is fight for the future to save the lives that we can. To save each other. They want us to be divided and to hate one another. That makes it easier to take us down. Its much harder to do that when we are working together as one (King Leon): I completely agree We turn and everybody else is standing here too. They are all standing in agreement that we need to work together if we are going to defeat The Hierarchy and if we are going to make things right with the laws. There is no reason for that idiotic law to exist. It should not have been made in the first place. So, we need to work together to make things right and not fight with each other. We have each other and that is something to be grateful for. We cannot let the past continue to break us. It is there to strengthen us and to move forward with better intentions. Nobody knows how crap it is to let your past consume you as much as people that have had to drown in their grief. So, we have to realize that locking horns with each other will only lead to our downfall. We have a huge group hug and then we head to all of our bedrooms to get some rest desperately. Then once we have had that, we can work through a plan when we are well-rested and clear-minded. We need to be able to get some rest to be able to know exactly what we are going to do in order to fight The Hierarchy. I have some things in mind that we could try but we should get to know the families of these people. If there is anything that we have learned so far is that you can screw with a person but once you start fighting with a persons family, then you are truly asking for trouble. I know that now and if we can find these peoples weak spots then we have a chance at being able to make sure that The Hierarchy will never come after us again. Will it help to make them finally take away that stupid law? I have absolutely no idea and I cant begin to wonder how we will be able to make them never mess with us again. All I know from what mother said is that The Hierarchy has its four families that run it for the sake of Ethereal. Each side has their own side of the realm. The north, east, west, and south. I wonder which side we are. I guess I have never found myself asking those kinds of questions nor having the time to ask mother because there is always something happening in the midst of our lives that interferes with finding out more about this realm. There is too much that I want to know and not enough time right now to get to know them. Maybe I can find them out soon.

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