The Man Who Can't Be Moved - A Klaine One Shot

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A/N: So, hey, the Idea for this has been stuck in my head for over a week and I've written it in my notebook now. I believe this is the longest One Shot I've ever written and I am proud of it. Also, I got to write a blog for my local newspaper which I am pretty happy with :)..... well it's 1A.M and I still have to start typing this, and I am on my phone so it might take a while. Stay cool you amazing people :) I love you xx Myrthe

THE SONG IS THE MAN WHO CAN'T BE MOVED BY THE SCRIPT, FOR UNDERSTANDING THE STORY YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO IT :) and I love this song. A little lyrics change though. Lyrics are in Italics :) probably because I saw the band live this year... best day ever...... :)

After Kurt broke up with Blaine, Blaine has been miserable. Stuck in Lima, hopeless and heartbroken. What else would he be? He truly felt like he found his soulmate and he screwed up by cheating on him. He had been so stupid for doing that but there was no turning back, nothing he could do anymore, but he still felt like he should.  

Every night he would end up sitting in his bed looking through pictures and lyrics that meant a lot to his and Kurts relationship. Blaine's mind wandered back to the day that they met. How adorable Kurt had been as a spy, and how he totally failed. The first time he saw Kurt's face at the staircase in Dalton. Then it hit him, his last change to make things right and get back together with Kurt.  

He had no idea if it would work but it was the only thing left he could do and even though it was pretty ridiculous and seemed impossible it was worth a try. Everything for Kurt. He made himself a promise, if this didn't work he would give up forever.

(A/N: And this is where I give up writing late and on my phone because I am tired, good night dear world :p)

A sleeping bag, his phone and charger, earphones, a picture of Kurt and a piece of cardboard with some words on it was all Blaine took the next morning on his way to Dalton Academy. As soon as he walked down the stairs memories started to invade his mind and tears blurred his vision. He sat down at the bottom step of the stairs in the hope his plan would work.

"Going back to the corner where I first saw you, Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move. Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand saying if you see this guy can you tell him where I am?''

Tears threathened to fall when he remembered the day he met Kurt for the first time, when he didn't realize yet that this boy would change his entire life. And then the day he did realize it, when Kurt sang blackbird and realization hit him like a brick.

The bell rang signalling that the first class of the day would start, soon boys in blue blazers walked past him. Some gave him weird looks and some tried to give him money as a joke.

''Some try to hand me money, they don't understand. I'm not broke I'm just a broken hearted man"

People continued to glare at him and some laughed. He didn't blame them, what he was doing was ridiculous, but his only and last chance.

"Í know it makes no sense, but what else can I do? How can I move on when I'm still in love with you?

Then something terrifying crossed his mind. What if Kurt forgot about him and wasn't even missing him? Would Kurt still love him? Would Kurt be thinking about him? Would Kurt Miss him? would he even remember what happened at this place? He had so many questions but the only way to get the answers to those was keeping his place and waiting.

Blaine didn't give up, he kept his place at the bottom step of the stairs for 4 days. When would that moment be when Kurt woke up realizeing how much he misses Blaine? That day Kurt will come back to the stairs and when he did, Blaine would be waiting for him.

'''Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me, and your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be. Thinking maybe you'd come back to the place that we'd meet and you see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.''

Finally what seemed like years later Blaine got a text from Kurt saying ''What is going on there? people are sending me weird texts that you don't move or something?...." Blaine replied by sending a link to the song The Man Who Can't Be Moved by The Script hoping Kurt would understand it. He did. 10 minutes later his phone beeped and he got a text saying "On My Way" Blaine couldn't help but smile. It gave him hope that Kurt at least cared enough about him to take a plane and come to Lima.

That night Blaine fell asleep with a smile on his face and a picture of Kurt pressed to his cheek. The next morning he was woken up by someone shaking his shoulder carefully. He groaned and pushed his now messy curls out of his face before opening his eyes. When they finally opened they were met with Kurt's amazing blue orbs. He blushed and sat up from his position leaning against the wood of the stairs. ''Hey you'' He whispered.

Kurt looked concerned and kind of shocked. ''Hi'' He smiled at Blaine and sat down next to him. They kept sitting like that in an awkward silence until Kurt decided to speak.

 ''Blaine, when I texted you I had no idea that this was going on, I didn't even know you would do such a thing for me. But I see now how much you love me and you've got to know I love you just as much.. If I'm not to late, please be mine again?'' Blaine nodded his head, tears welling up in his eyes again. ''I'm so sorry for cheating on you Kurt, I love you so much'' and he leaned in while Kurt did the same. They kissed, a sof and beautiful kiss, not heated, no tongue, just love. That kiss made Blaine promise himself he would never let Kurt go anymore.

Almost 2 years later Kurt and Blaine were standing on the front row of a the Script concert singing alone with the song that saved their relationship. Their fingers intertwined this time with a wedding ring on both of their hands.

A/N: did you like it? I hope so.... Feedback would be much appreciated. Follow me on tumblr: and follow mine and @FemkeFlappie shared account @PinkyAndTheBrains. I love you guys xxx

(Edited Jan. 29 2014)

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