The kims

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"The Kim family is a paragon of excellence, with a legacy of success and innovation that spans generations. At the helm is Kim Dong Wook, a visionary entrepreneur and patriarch who has built a business empire through his unwavering dedication and razor-sharp instincts. His children, each a powerhouse in their own right, have inherited his drive and passion for excellence.

Kim Seokjin, the eldest son, is a natural leader and strategist who has taken the reins of the family business. Kim Jisso, a fashion icon and trendsetter, has made a name for herself in the design world. Kim Yoongi, a tech whiz and mastermind, has revolutionized the industry with his groundbreaking ideas. Kim Namjoon, the fourth eldest son, is a genius problem solver and master strategist who has saved the family from countless challenges.

Kim Hoseok, the fifth eldest son, is a charismatic entrepreneur and startup mentor who has launched numerous successful ventures. Kim Jennie, Jisso's partner in crime, is a talented interior designer known for her bold and daring creations. Kim Jimin, the charming and confident son, has a flair for the dramatic and a talent for making an entrance. His twin, Kim Taehyung, is a creative force to be reckoned with, possessing a deep empathy and understanding of the human experience.

Rounding out the family are Kim Rosé, the sweet and elegant daughter; Kim Jungkook, the young and ambitious son; and Kim Lisa, the youngest and most precocious member of the family. Together, the Kims are a force to be reckoned with, a family of trailblazers and trendsetters who are redefining the meaning of success and excellence."

Here's an addition to the intro that highlights their behavior with people outside of their siblings:

While they are a tight-knit family who prioritize their relationships with each other, they are also known for their reserved and dominant demeanor when interacting with others. In business settings, they are calculated and precise, preferring to keep their cards close to their chest. They don't suffer fools gladly and have little patience for small talk or unnecessary pleasantries.

With strangers, they can come across as aloof and intimidating, their piercing gazes and sharp wit leaving many feeling uneasy or intimidated. They don't seek to make friends or win popularity contests, and their focus is always on the task at hand. In the cutthroat world of business, they are respected and feared in equal measure, their reputation for ruthless efficiency and strategic brilliance preceding them.

Despite their tough exterior, however, they have a deep sense of loyalty and commitment to those they consider part of their inner circle. Once you earn their trust and respect, they will stop at nothing to support and protect you. But for those who cross them or threaten their interests, beware - the Kim family will not hesitate to assert their dominance and defend what's theirs."

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