The first meeting

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After the discussion, the Kim siblings retreated to their respective rooms, each lost in their own thoughts and emotions. Jin returned to his room, feeling frustrated and helpless. He punched the wall beside him, the impact echoing through the silence.

Jin wasn't angry at his father for finding love again nor he was even angry at the woman who had captured Mr. Kim's heart. He was simply disappointed and hurt - deeply hurt. For 11 long years, Jin had waited for his father to look at him and his siblings with the same warmth and love he once had. He had yearned for the days when his father would engage in warm conversations, play football with them, and be present in their lives.

But today, Mr. Kim's words had cut deep. "I don't care about your feelings," he had said, unknowingly piercing Jin's heart. A solitary tear escaped Jin's eye, sliding down his cheek as he sat on his bed, his head in his hands.

Jin wasn't alone in his mental breakdown. His siblings were all struggling with the same emotions, each trying to come to terms with their father's sudden change of heart.

That night might have been one of the worst for the Kim siblings, but as the long, dark hours finally gave way to dawn, the sun began to rise over the snow-covered city of Seoul. It was December, and the winter chill had settled in, mirroring the frosty atmosphere within the Kim household.

The family gathered in the dining room, their faces somber and their eyes red-rimmed from lack of sleep. No one bothered to greet Mr. Kim with a "good morning," a stark contrast to their usual routine. Instead, they sat in silence, the only sound the soft clinking of silverware against plates.

Mr. Kim, seemingly oblivious to the tension, began to speak, his voice cheerful but forced. "Well, children, I hope you're all feeling better today. I know last night was a bit of a shock, but I assure you, Kang Hari is a wonderful person, and you'll all love her once you get to know her."

Jin, his eyes fixed on his plate, muttered under his breath, "I doubt that."

Hoseok and Jennie shot him warning glances, but Mr. Kim continued, undeterred. "I've invited Kang Hari to join us for dinner tonight. I want you all to make an effort to be welcoming and friendly."

Namjoon, his voice laced with sarcasm, spoke up, "Oh, joy. Something to look forward to."

The room fell silent once more, the only sound the heavy breathing of the Kim siblings, their minds racing with thoughts of rebellion and resentment.

As the breakfast dragged on, the atmosphere grew increasingly strained, the snow outside seeming to mirror the chill within their hearts.

Y/n and Hari sat at the dining table, enjoying their breakfast and chatting about everything and nothing. Suddenly, Mrs. Kang's expression turned serious, and she said, "Y/n, I have something important to tell you."

Y/n's curiosity was piqued. "What is it, Mom? You're making me nervous."

Mrs. Kang took a deep breath, her hands fidgeting with her napkin. "Y/n, I...I've met someone. And I'd like you to meet him tonight."

Y/n's spoon clattered against her bowl as she stopped eating, her eyes wide with surprise. "Really? You're telling me this now?" Her voice rose, a mix of shock and disbelief.

Mrs. Kang's face flushed, and she looked at Y/n with a hint of guilt. "Dear, I was planning to tell you, but I couldn't bring myself to. I know this may come as a shock, but—"

Y/n's expression softened, and she sighed. She didn't like the idea of her mother marrying someone else, but she had seen her mother struggle for her and Taeyon. She deserved happiness too. "If this man makes you happy, Mom, I'm okay with it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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