Chapter 14 - Together forever 💞 (End)

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V entered into his bedroom with Jungkook.. He slowly put the younger down.. And went to close the door.. Jungkook was feeling nervous.. He looked around the room finding it to be oddly calming and captivating.. He saw V opening the closet and rummaging through it.. finally the elder returned once he found the things he was looking for..

"There is the washroom.. You go first.. and you can change into mine.." V said extending some of his cloths to the younger.. Jungkook was unable to look into the older's eyes.. He took the cloths and went to the washroom silently.. Once the younger closed the washroom door the blue haired male sighed heavily.. He was damn nervous even though he acted all confident while taking his little boyfriend into his room for getting freshen up.. He heard water dripping from inside the washroom.. V licked his lips and harshly shook his head dismissing all the perv thoughts clouding inside his mind..

After few minutes Jungkook found himself standing in front of the big mirror in V's bedroom.. The blue haired male was no where to seen.. He checked himself out on the big mirror.. V's t-shirt was bit oversized for him where as pants fit perfectly on him.. Nonetheless he liked it.. and he felt more comfortable in those cloths than his own one..

Just then he heard the door opening sound only to met with the blue haired male's eyes which was peeking inside through the door.. When both of their eyes met they gulped.. Jungkook instantly moved away from the mirror and moved forward to the door.. but he halted on his steps when he noticed V walking inside..

V locked the door behind him once he got inside making Jungkook's heart beat faster.. The elder took slow steps and stopped few inches away from the younger..

"You're handsome.." and that wasn't something Jungkook wasn't expecting from a hot headed dominant male like V..

"Huh??" The younger couldn't hold his amusement..

"I can't still believe that I got this handsome hot boy all for myself.. Its feel like unreal.." V moved Jungkook's bangs which fell on his face covering his eyes..

"Hyungie.." Jungkook mumbled shyly not able to face the elder anymore.. He was sure once he lock with the blue haired male's eyes then no way he will be able to stop himself from surrendering his everything to the godly man..

"Don't provoke me my precious love.. I really don't wanna wreck you on our first day of confession.." V said caressing the younger's cheek wit his slender fingers..

"But.. can I.. can I at least claim your lips.. I have been controlling myself since the day one love.. Its.. its-" V blabbered nervously..

"Thought you won't do it.." Jungkook whispered looking away blushing..

"Huh??!!" The blue haired male was surprised..

"I trust you hyungie.. More than myself.." Jungkook said finally looking deep into the blue haired male's eyes.. V could see whole galaxy in those doe eyes of the younger.. Without wasting any single second the elder cupped his boyfriend's face and softly placed his lips on them.. Jungkook felt his heart beating faster than anything.. He closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss.. When he noticed younger is kissing back V has slowly started moving his lips chewing the younger's plump ones slightly.. Jungkook instantly went to wrap his hands around V's neck pulling him closing the gap between them.. that gave boost in V's confidence.. Both of them felt tears through their kiss but they didn't give any care.. They know how much this kiss is meant for them..

The blue haired male gave small bite to the younger's lower lip making him whimper but nevertheless opened his mouth leaving a sultry moan.. V growled in victory and entered his tongue inside the youngers mouth tasting every part of it passionately.. Jungkook's hands went to hold the blue haired male's hair harshly each time V's tongue teased him.. Both of them were devouring each other eagerly.. However they had to pulled off when both of them felt loss of breath..

Both of them panted hard.. Once they regained their breath both of their eyes met with each other only to crash their lips together this time more intensely.. But suddenly V pulled away and cupped the younger's face..

"Stop me right now else I won't be able-" V got cut off with a sudden kiss on his lips..

"Then don't.. When are you going to claim me huh.. in your 80's??" The younger shot back looking at the elder boldly.. V growled and attacked the younger's neck instantly making the latter stumble back.. V pulled the younger's thigh upward still hungrily devouring the younger's neck.. Jungkook jumped slightly and V securely caught him.. Jungkook wrapped his legs around the blue haired male's waist and hands on the hair holding them harshly..

V moved towards the bed and thrown the younger on it.. Jungkook fell on to the foam mattress on his back.. V hovered on top of his baby boy..

"As much as I wanna devour you completely.. I don't wanna hurt you on our first time together.." V said and Jungkook was about to object but the elder shushed him..

"I know you are a strong boy but I don't wanna break our hyung's trust.. I know you will regret it too later.. and I promise I will claim you soon and you will never forget that day even in your seven birth.." V said in his deep voice sending chills to the younger's spine..

"Keep that in the mind and stop me if I cross the line.. until then let me profess my love to you.." V said looking at those doe eyes staring at him with ocean of love.. Jungkook nodded tiredly.. With that V dived into the younger's neck devouring it hungrily..

That night they confessed their never ending love to each other passionately.. But V kept his promise to their hyung.. and exactly after six months on Jungkook's 21st birthday V claimed his precious love in the most divine way as promised to the younger finally joining their fate in all means..

The End


Tadaaaa.. Its over..

I know some of you might have disappointed when I entered V's body and made him stop going to do the ultimate.. but sorry gooyz your authornim is still not comfortable writing smut for the time being.. But you can say that there is a slight progress right.. Thanks to my hubby.. No not that perverts'.. he helped me to boost my confidence writing bold scenes.... I usually hate writing intimate scenes.. because I wanna people to read and like my story for it's plot and characters not for the sake of smut.. and I really don't know how to beautifully portray an intimate scene rather than spoiling it to be a erotica.. So forgive your authornim..

And my holy children.. I'm sorry for giving you an almost heart attack.. But I was just trying to balance between my all precious readers..

Anyways.. how was the story?? Did you like it??

I know it was cliche but I couldn't help it.. Pls drop your valuable comments okay..

I will come back with a long story soon.. Until then miss me and re-read my old stories.. Also don't forget to check my reading list for other masterpieces by talented authors.. You can also share/promote/suggest your stories in my conversation area..


Rithu 💜

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