Still The One

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4 years ago, I met superstar Niall Horan. How we met , you might ask? My best friend, Chelsea, and I were die-hard One Direction fans. We finally earned enough money to buy tickets, but then our parents surprised us and paid for V.I.P. tickets instead. We were so excited!

"C!" I called, "Can you believe we're meeting One Direction tonight?!"

"Umm, No! Can you?!"

"No... Not really." I said quietly.

"What's wrong?" C asked.

"Nothing. Come on! Lets go use that money we earned for a new outfit!".

C and I went to the mall and got amazing outfits. C looked spectacular! She bought a beautiful High-low skirt, a sparkly tank, and some simple jewelry to go with. I bought a black pencil skirt, a shimmery top, and some gorgeous pumps.

A few hours later, I'm sitting on my bed listening to 'Still the One' on my phone. C is staring at me. I pull out my ear phones.


"Madi hurry up! We have to leave in like... 10 minutes!"

"Oh crap..." I say to myself. I rush to put on my makeup and fix my hair. "Ok, I'm ready." We drive to the stadium and grab our seats.

"Ready for this?" C says.

" I think... I'm so nervous." I manage to say.

A few short minutes later, Paul comes out and escorts us to the dressing room. "Almost there." He calls behind him. I start freaking out. There is no way this is happening right now. The next five minutes seem to take ages. We walk in the dressing room, and I look around at those five familiar faces. C seems to have greeted them while I'm zoned out.

"And this, is... My best friend Madi. " I reach for the door frame, but miss and start falling, C's thinking "oh crap... She's fainting." Niall races to catch me and carries me to the couch. I wake up and see all six of them staring at me, with Niall right next to me.

"Are you ok, love?" Harry asks.

"Umm... Uh- "I stutter.

"She's fine, just nervous." C states.

" I hope you're alright! I really wanted you to maybe come with me for a drink after the show, maybe? That is... If you're feeling up to it." Niall asked sweetly.

"She... She'll love that!" C said. Niall turns back to me, and I nod awkwardly like a little kid. I felt so embarrassed.

Paul barges in and says "time to go, girls."

Niall waves goodbye and says "meet me back here after the show! It was nice to meet you, Madi!" He smiled.

C and I went back to our seats and enjoyed the show. Afterwards, I met Niall, and I showed him a local restaurant. We had a great time chatting, and at the end of the night, Niall asked me to be his girlfriend.

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