Chapter 6

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Niall's POV

Liam and I helped Bella put on her shoes while Zayn tried to brush out her matted, tangled hair. "Babe, what on earth did you do to your hair?" Zayn asked. I looked at Bella's face; she started to blush.

"Bella? Why are you blushing?" I asked. She shoved her face in her hands and started giggling. She peered her eyes through her fingers and smiled.

"Zayn called me 'babe'. That means he likes me." Liam and I finished tying her laces. I laughed at Bella's response. Bella looked at me with complete horror now. She shoved her hands back on her face and started to cry. Liam knelt down I front of her.

"Bella? What's the matter? Why are you crying?" He asked. Bella sniffed and sobbed loudly as she said,

"Perrie is going to kill me!" I looked up at Zayn.

"Your turn, pretty boy." Zayn mimicked me ten came around to face Bella.

"Bella?" Zayn said. Bella peeked at Zayn through her hands.

"What!?" Bella said harshly, but only cause she was scared. Zayn lightly grabbed Bella's hands and held them in his hands. They were so small and fragile, he didn't want to hurt them.

"Bella, listen sweetie. Perrie absolutely loves you, so why do you think she would kill you?" Bella looked at Zayn. A tear fell from her eye and rolled down her cheek.

"Because, she'll think that I am the girl that you like now. And we will ride on unicorns over to Disneyland to go see the princesses. She would be so jealous, that she'll give me a poison apple." Bella cried again. Zayn smiled at her response. He let go of her hands and brought her into his embrace.

"Bella dear! Don't cry. As much as I love unicorns, I can't go with you. I love Perrie. And don't worry child, she won't kill you. She loves you. She thinks your re absolutely adorable." Zayn let go and wiped away Bella's tears with his thumb. Bella nodded and stood up off the chair she was sitting on.

"Alright, everybody ready to go?" Harry asked. Everyone nodded or mumbled "yes." We all headed towards the door and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2013 ⏰

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