-----Chapter 3: Dragons-----

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Cuphead, bendy and sans was trying to find a way to get down without dying, "soo i think if we just climb down SAFELY sans..." bendy stares towards sans, sans raises a eyebrow, "then we're safe and Alive" "why can't we just get on the gaster blasters" sans facepalms his face, bendy rolls his eyes "and what happens if one of us falls off??" "You Won't!" Sans raised his arms in the air, "um guys?" cuphead said nervously "Sans the gaster blasters will tilt over or somethin??" "Like I said, bendy! They Won't! And why would they tilt over!??!" "to dodge something!" "Guys," cuphead said again, getting even more nervous, "what is there to dodge!?" "Big things!! Sans!!" "What is bigger than my gaster blasters!!??" "Guys!" cuphead shouted, both sans and bendy face cuphead then they looked up and their eyes widened, they were looking at a dragon, a red dragon, bendy step backwards, sans just blinks, cuphead eyes were widen but not that widen. Cuphead had been across lots of things in his world including a dragon with three heads. "Whoa..." cuphead said in awe, the dragon blinked towards the three then curled up its lip and bare its teeth angrily, cuphead eyes widened more "Run, Run!" cuphead repeated after both sans and bendy, sans teleported and bendy run behind cuphead, the red dragon shots out fire from its mouth, cuphead went over bendy so that he doesn't get burn, bendy holds on to cuphead tightly, once the fire stopped the dragon left, cuphead lets out a sigh of relief then looks down towards bendy then starts to blush then he looks away and clears his throat then bendy opens his eyes then immediately lets go of cuphead as he blush a black color in embarrassment, "s-sorry" bendy said quickly, sans teleported back "you two okay??" sans ask worriedly, both cuphead and bendy nod their heads, sans sighs in relief "let go..." Sans summons three gaster blasters, one for bendy and the other for cuphead and one for himself, cuphead gets on his and bendy slowly gets on his, sans teleports on top of his gaster blaster, the three gaster blasters, the gaster blasters were flying down towards the bottom of the mountain, cuphead, bendy and sans all jump off once they were on the ground, sans teleports down first then cuphead smokes bombs down then bendy inks down onto the ground, "see bendy i told you my gaster blasters didn't drop or hurt us" sans jokes, bendy give sans a annoyed look then roll his cartoon eyes, cuphead frowns "let's just go find help or a way out..." "agreed..." sans said following cuphead, bendy followed as well, bendy was thinking about evie, you can tell that he misses her and was worry about her, cuphead looks towards bendy then looks up towards the sky, it was getting late and then cuphead sighs then stops walk and turns to sans and bendy "i think we should call it a night guys..." cuphead said as he yawns, sans nods his head, "we should find something to keep us warm for the night..." "agreed" bendy said after sans, "the sounds like a plan guys..." cuphead said "bendy you come with me to find wood, sans you find something to make a fire happen.." "I already have that cup" sans said as he pets his gaster blaster, cuphead chuckles then looks towards bendy "let's go ben" " 'kay" bendy follows cuphead into the woods. Bendy kept following cuphead, it was quiet around the two then cuphead spoke up, "knock knock" cuphead chuckles, bendy tilted his head slightly "hm?" "you have to said 'who's there?' "oh..." bendy said quietly, "who's there?..." bendy blink towards cuphead, "boo" cuphead chuckle, bendy blink again, boo who?" cuphead chuckle again "you has to say 'boo who" bendy tilted his head "boo who?" "hey you don't need to cry it's just a joke?" bendy tilted his head "i don't get it??" bendy said confusedly, cuphead chuckles nervously "cause 'boo who'?" bendy just blink confused "hm?..." cuphead chuckles "cause when someone is crying they say 'boohoo'' ' cuphead chuckle, bendy then realize this then gives cuphead a light punch on his arm as he laughs, cuphead laughs as well then picks up a giant piece of wood, bendy finds one as well "we should get these to sans'' cuphead nods "agreed ..." cuphead said then follow bendy, bendy smile softly then looks towards cuphead, who was looking around, bendy sighs happily then kept walking Then bendy's eye widen to see a black female dragonet

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