#3 Cause and effect

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A few hours later

This would be really interesting to say the least as they were leaving Camp Half-Blood there was something about Luke Castellen that Demios Atreusson-Sparta did not trust he couldn't place his finger on it but something about him just seemed really suspicious he just couldn't figure out what it was there Goal was simple find 4 perals otherwise Zeus would cause all out war unless his lightning Bolt was returned to him which Demios thought that was stupid and Zeus was being overdramatic and that he was being lazy and really this whole mess could have been solved if Zeus took better care of his thing Demios said that as they were leaving Camp Half-Blood Dionysus actually got a huge Chuckle out of that. But there was something else that Demios discovered before leaving Camp Half-Blood something that he hasn't told anyone while sorting through some old Books for Dionysus Demios discovered the real truth about Medusa that she didn't embarrass Athena by trying to seduce Poseidon in her temple no it was the complete opposite in fact it was Poseidon he actually raped Medusa and the thing is with that Medusa prayed to Athena for help but instead Athena did absolutely nothing and cursed Medusa anyways so really the victim here was Medusa. Demios was feeling a little bit Guilty for Killing one of Medusa's daughters but Annabeth's Mortal Father was in danger so they really didn't have any other choice but Annabeth could see that something was bothering Demios so after stopping to get something to eat they used the mist to alter there appearance so the humans could not see them.

Annabeth you alright you've looked like you've seen a ghost

Demios there's something I found out and it disgusted me right before we left the camp I was organizing some books for Dionysus and I found out the truth about the whole situation with Medusa and Your mother

Annabeth wait you mean what I was told was a lie

Demios of course what else did you expect from the gods of Olympus

Annabeth okay I'm ready

Demios well turns out Medusa did not embarrass your mother by trying to seduce Poseidon in her temple no in fact Medusa was the real victim here because Poseidon Raped Medusa the Screwed up part about this is Medusa prayed to your mother for help and yet she did nothing instead your mother cursed her anyways.

This caused an awkward silence to happen because Annabeth had no idea she was told a completely different story how could her mother do this but as they were trying to figure out what to do next all of a sudden Annabeth was grabbed from the window Demios Persphone Jackson and Grover all rushed out to find that it was the Cimara this would prove most interesting it Dragged Annabeth all the way to what looked like to be central park before it stopped it's Snake tail bit Annabeth on the shoulder as she screamed in pain that's when Demios Persphone and Grover found her this would be interesting the Cimara was sizing them up deciding which one it should fight first while this was happening Demios went over to Annabeth to try and use what magic he knew to try and help Annabeth while it was painful it did end up working but the venom messed with Annabeth's motor skills so she wasn't exactly at 100 percent but she would still try to help her friends anyway that she could because that's just who she is Grover picked up a semi Heavy stone to throw at the Cimara Annabeth used her sword to stab out one of it's Lion eyes and Persphone used her pen/Sword riptide to stab out it's other Lion eye as for Demios he ripped off one of it's ram horns and used it to impail it then snap it's neck. After killing it They found out that it had swallowed the first peral so Demios stuck his hand down it's mouth to get it Grover threw up despite being a Saytar who are known protectors of demi god children he was still a little bit Squeamish when it came to blood and other gross stuff which Demios found a bit amusing the second one as all the way in Washington DC even from New York that was 250 miles away Demios just thought that he could fly all the way there but he was reminded to not use his powers in public too much which really annoyed him so they decided to Hitchhike. It was kinda funny to picture them hitchhiking but after about a hour then found a guy that would stop he gave them a ride in the back of his truck he would take them as far as Jersey City then they would have to find a way to Washington DC. During this ride both Grover and Persphone had fallen asleep the only ones awake were Demios and Annabeth but Instinctively Annabeth rested her head on Demios's shoulder as she was struggling to keep her eyes open she was determined to stay awake but Demios told her that it was okay to fall asleep that she might be a Demi Goddess but even she must rest so Demios would stay awake he would alert them when they get to Jersey City.

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