Everything Has A First Time, Even Ice Cream

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Jinnie did not in fact slip out after his nap, which was slightly unexpected to the members, but they went along with it. The game for possession over Jinnie's cuddles resurfaced and soon everyone was running around the dorm like the crazy people they are until exhaustion finally hit again.

The members sat down on the floor near the couch (it's so them coded to avoid the empty couch and just have everyone sit on the floor tbh) while Jinnie made his way back over to his abandoned coloring book and picked it back up to work on another page. Jisung went into the kitchen to fill Jinnie's sippy cup with water, and maybe grab some for the other members. They had all forgotten to drink water since this morning, and they probably should've eaten again by now.

He made his way back to where the others were and handed the sippy to Jinnie. "Here, you haven't drank any water today have you sweetie? We don't want you getting dehydrated." He then gave other water bottles to the rest of the members, which they thanked him for. "One of us should probably make food now. We were supposed to eat way earlier."

"I'll do it," Minho said as he stood up to go to the kitchen, "Jinnie, is there anything specific you want for your birthday?"

Jinnie shook his head. "No thank you, I'll be okay with anything."

"Then can I just make a big batch of bibimbap for everyone?" Jinnie nodded. If he were to be honest with his hyungies, he'd have to admit he'd never had bibimbap. Hyunjin didn't exactly prepare proper meals most of the time, because he was more concerned about interacting with the least amount of people possible instead of what Jinnie actually did. And he couldn't do it himself, considering he was younger than five every time he'd ever regressed before.

After Jinnie got sick of his coloring book, he played with Chan and Jeongin while they waited. He taught them his story lines for each character and how things would go down in the world he created. It was actually pretty complex for the story lines a four year old made up, and Jinnie had to explain it more than once for them to fully understand what was going on.

Minho called everyone to eat after a while and they made their way to the table. The bickering that went down on the daily was slightly different, they tried to make it more fun for Jinnie and didn't direct anything at him, but it was still equally as unproductive and silly. Jinnie struggled to use chopsticks – he had never bothered to learn in his little form and usually just had a plastic spoon – so Felix eventually just started to feed the little, even though there were protests coming from the person he was feeding.

"So sweetie, what do you want to do now?" Changbin asked

"Can we go get ice cream?" Jisung interrupted before Jinnie could say anything.

"Jisung, we had almost an entire cake for breakfast," Minho scolded. "You seriously want to get ice cream?

"I wanna twy ice cweam! I've nevew had ice cweam, Hyunjin kept me in ouw woom all the time." This made all the members turn to him immediately.

"You've never had ice cream!?" Felix shouted in surprise. Jinnie flinched a little, but shook his head. "Chan, we have to take him to an ice cream parlor!"

"I don't know Lix. What if someone notices him little? Hyunjin wasn't even willing to tell us, imagine if the public found out about it."

"Chan, listen to me very carefully." Jisung said in an awfully serious tone for this topic. "Jinnie is five, FIVE, and he's never had ice cream before. That is a crime to his childhood and humanity. We need to take this kid to a parlor. Now." Felix was nodding and looking at Chan with puppy eyes

"Surprisingly, the squirrel has a point," Seungmin stated. "I opt for taking him to a parlor."

"I think we should," Changbin said. "Can we? I mean come on, he's never had ice cream. It's ice cream! Imagine being deprived of ice cream for five years!"

Chan was about to say something, but then he saw the pleading look on Jinnie, Jisung, Felix, and even Changbin's faces and sighed. "Fine, we'll take him to a parlor. Jinnie, you'll have to be extra careful, okay?"

Seven smiles flashed at Chan – some because they succeeded in convincing Chan, some because they were getting ice cream, so because of both – and Jinnie ended up throwing himself on him and wrapping him in a hug. "Thank you hyungie," he whispered. Chan squeezed Jinnie back as a response.

The members each made their way to their respective rooms to get ready – they had never been able to get changed either, being way too focused on their little –  Jinnie now being hyper and eager to get out of the house. His hyungies helped him pick an appropriate outfit and bribed him into putting on a mask so it would be harder for people to recognize him. Jinnie struggled to put on his clothes, but insisted that he didn't need help. It would be embarrassing if he couldn't get changed on his own. He had the body of a full grown adult, and he'd been getting dressed alone his whole life, he'd figure it out (bro is blissfully unaware they'd have zero reaction at this point).

When everyone was ready they made their way to the park, which would lead them to the parlor. It was a really nice walk, and for someone who had never been outside, it was absolutely fascinating. Hyunjin had really kept him from all of this for all these years? Jinnie couldn't stop looking around and noticing every little thing that he couldn't see from looking out of the window. He almost started pointing it all out to his hyungies, but he held himself back. He could tell the later

As Jinnie stepped inside, he was surprised by the sudden coldness of the store. How was a temperature change that drastic from two locations so close to each other even possible? He wanted to grab onto one of his hyungies for warmth, but that would surely catch the attention of the people around them. Goosebumps started to form on his arms, and he was starting to feel cold under his sweater.

"Jinnie?" Someone called, which made him turn his head to see Jeongin while they made their way into the line. "Come here with me, okay? I'm gonna show you the flavors." Jeongin guided him over to a display with glass in front of it, each tub of the colorful frozen treat neatly labeled. There were a lot more than Jinnie expected there to be, and he was completely lost on what to choose. "Do you have any idea what you want?"

Jinnie turned his head away from the display to look at Jeongin. "What does Hyunjin usually get? We like the same things, and I weally don't know what to choose." Jeongin pointed to two of the tubs. "Can I have those then?"

"Of course sweets. Don't worry about ordering, we'll do that for you. Just stay in line with us and avoid talking until we get out, so no one notices you cute little lisp." Jinnie nodded and Jeongin wrapped one of his arms around him. This made Jinnie scooch closer to him to get warm, and Jeongin slowly rubbed Jinnie's arm with his hand as they walked back to the others.

Jinnie was unexpectedly handed his ice cream not much later, and they made their way out of the store. His hyungies didn't look like they were going to stop to eat, so he just handed his mask to one of them and tried the ice cream.

Oh wow, that was sure something. It was cold, but it didn't make him feel cold. It was sweet, but there was so much more to it than just sweetness. It had flavor, and it was different. His scoops tasted different, how was that possible? And it was creamy, but it was frozen, how did that work? It was so strange, but oh so good. He quickly grabbed more with the little spoon and put it in his mouth.

"Slow down Jinnie," Minho gently scolded from his side. "We don't want you getting a brain freeze."

"Ice cweam can fweeze the bwain!?" Jinnie exclaimed, suddenly scared of the treat in his hands.

"No sweetie, it's a figure of speech. When you eat something cold too fast, your head starts to hurt. I'm just telling you to go a little slower so that doesn't happen."

Jinnie managed to avoid the brain freeze – narrowly – and was able to continue quiet as they walked around the park. Being outside for the first time was really amazing, and he was starting to plan on what exactly he was going to tell his hyungies when they got to the dorm. He was getting more giddy the closer they got to their home, not being able to contain the excitement of being outside any longer.

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