Captain Wonder Peach: The Origin Chapter

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A long, long, long, long, LONG time ago, far far away from our land, there was a kingdom known as the Mushroom Kingdom. The Mushroom Kingdom was a peaceful kingdom inhabited by a bunch of people called Toads.

The king and queen of the Mushroom Kingdom, King and Queen Toadstool, didn't dare to start any wars. Both the King and Queen believed that being good and kind would allow them and their kingdom to thrive, and they were right, all they needed was gifted by neighbouring kingdoms, who appreciated the Toadstools and their subjects kindness.

King and Queen Toadstool also had a daughter, their darling baby princess who looked as sweet and soft as a peach. The Toadstools raised Peach for a grand total of a year...

Until turtle people called 'Koopas' invaded the kingdom, seeking its destruction!

To keep Peach safe from the Koopas, her parents placed her in a warp pipe which would take her far away from the Mushroom Kingdom, with a magical crown which would protect her from being scarred, damaged or killed.

The warp pipe ended at a small seaside town, where some kind sailors raised her as her own. After many years, Peach grew into an agile, kind and very beautiful young lady, beloved by all whom know her. And soon, Peach became so beloved, that she soon discovered she had powers;

She was faster than a speeding horse, more powerful than a diamond and able to leap tall buildings WITHOUT tearing her dress! Whenever she was seen flying over head, she could hear the cheers of men, women and children alike.

"Look! Up in the sky!" They'd cheer, "It's a bird!"

"It's a plane!"

"It's an angel!"

But it wasn't a bird, or a plane, or even an angel. It was just a superhero who fought for truth, justice and hope above all! For she is...

 It was just a superhero who fought for truth, justice and hope above all! For she is

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