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Vish- please Sonakshi don't worry about this now, whatever is left is left...now Ruhi you go and freshen up and have dinner!!

Ruhi- hmm... that's okay...!!

Ruhi comes to eat food after getting fresh)

Vish- come on ruhi..!!

Ruhi- hmm..

(Sonakshi and Vishakha look at each other)

Sonakshi - ru..ruhi vo..vo..

Ruhi- hmm tell me..

Sonakshi- actually to..today..

Ruhi-  say it!?

Sona- h..yes..haa I mean today..today when you..went to court..! Then

Ruhi- then??

Sona- t..then..

Ruhi- guys please tell me quickly what has happened, I am tensed..!!

Sona- h..ha.. then..

Ruhi- please Sona, whatever it is, say it quickly or say it clearly..haa..haa..haaa don't do it!!

Vish- Ruhi..when you went to court, you got a call from aadhya di..

(Vish says everything in one breath quickly)

(Ruhi gets very upset after hearing this)

Ruhi- d..di..dii ka  c..call..

(She starts getting panicked)

Ruhi- dii why did she calls u..whatt happened..s..is everyone okay?  Is there any problem?  Dii, is it ok?  I had asked her to come with me why she stayed in India…is that okay?  what happened to them??

Vish- Ruhi please relax..don't panic.. everything is fine..!!

Ruhi - t..toh..toh dii..dii why did she call you!?I don't know what would have happened..how will everything be fine..it is not possible why did she call..tell me friend..!!

Sona-Ruhi..actually..dii..dii is getting wedding..

Ruhi – ohh.... whattttt..!!  Didi??  Di's wedding?  my..my sister's??  My sister's wedding..truly..i..i don't mean what I mean..i..

Sona- Ruhi Ruhi Ruhi.. please please be relaxed.. everything is okk..!!  There is nothing to worry why are you panicking relaxx!!

(Ruhanika had panic disorder, to put it simply she used to have panic attacks..she used to get very tensed even on small things..she used to get panicked)

Vish(slowly in Sonakshi's ear)- s..Sona Ruhi toh  She is getting nervous.. I hope her panic disorder doesn't increase..

Sona- h..haa..ae..do one thing.. her tablet is in that room, bring it from there!

Vish- h..haa where ?

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