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"Are you fucking serious Grezo? You actually went to the hospital?!" Ryan shouted at me. He sounded revaulted.

"-With 56 bruises, 6 perminant-"

"I fuckin own you, you ungreatfull asshole! I take care of you, not some doctor. Am I not enough!?" Ryan sneered, he sounded pissed off

"Fucking hell... Hear that Grezo?... Grezo?"

"Do that again and Ill ki-"

"Grezo!" Trix waved his hand infront of me as I was brought back go reality. "H-huh? Yeah..." I mumbled, wiping my eyes. "Trix hes tired. Give him time to rest yeah?" Gary sighed at Trix's constant pestering. "N-no. Im fine just a little... Dazed." I sat up on my bed, getting clear vision now to see that I was in a Hospital. A nurse overlooking my vitals, Gary in the corner and Trix at the right edge of my bed. "See Gary, hes fine." Trix pointed as Gary shrugged his shoulders.

The nurse looked down at me. "Do you have a parent or carer we can call?" She asked me, holding a notpad with a pen. "Uhh, yeah. Mr and Mrs Azúr." I told her my step parents names. She nodded and smiled. "Ill give you three some privacy. If you need me, give me a shout." She left the room, closing the door behind her. Trix instantly turned to me. "Grez... Not tryna say anything but... How the fuck did you-" I cut him off abrubtly, "I know, I know. If you must know then-" I then explained the hole thing to Trix... Excluding the graphic parts but I mention them. "Fucking... Asshole." Trix grunted, having fantasys of killing Damien.

Gary suddenly stood up with his phone in his left hand, "Guys. The police report just came out. Grezo wasnt... He wasnt the only one" Gary sounded disterbed. Trix went to see what Gary was going on about, "What are you talking abo-" Trix gasped and covered his mouth as he vomited through his fingers, running to the toilet. "I-Is Trix okay??" I was fightened and really concerned. Gary finally showed me the phone:

         Top story!
      134 children found dead, 3 found alive,
    12 officers dead at the station and
                             1 man missing

"W-what... Th-the fuck? 1 man missing? 134 dead!?" I look at the screen, stunned and now understanding of Trix's reaction. "Yeah... Apparently the guy escaped with as little as a knife. Its... Fucking sickening that-"
"134 kids! Dead!" Trix stumbled back in the room, "Grezo you werent the only one alive in there! Did you see any other kids?" Trix questioned me. "I-I heared screaming from the study when Damien wasnt with me." I answered, making Trix feel uneasy. "I-I need to lie down."

Trix went to leave the room before he was intercepted by Kyle and Jared. Coming into the room. "Hey! You shouldnt be he-" Trix protested as he was getting cut off. "Sit down, racoon boy" Trix looked suprised that he called him that. He crossed his arms and sat on the small stool. Kyle tried approaching me but Gary got in his way. "You have no right to talk to him" Gary gave him a death glare. "Calm down, we know you have anger issues already. Dont have to remind us you fuck head" Jared tapped Kyles arm a little to remind him. Kyle sighed and walked past Gary with a hard stare as he walked towards me

"Grezo... Look we-" He started before I cut him off, "Did you know who he was?" I asked immediatly. "No! No, no way. I had no idea he was a dick okay? I found him at a party and he said he wanted a boyfriend so-"
"So you offered me up for trade?" I asked him, he shut up and stuttered. "What hes trying to say is we can be assholes," Jared but in, putting his hand on Kyles shoulder, "Even we know a line was crossed.... And what hes trying to say is were sorry." Jared apologised.

Gary looked pissed. "Thats it!? Your sorry??" He protested. "Hey, what do you want me to do? Whats done is-" I then just cut him off "Jared its... Its fine." Trix looked at me, "Grezo it isnt fine it-" I then cut him off again... Its a new trend I suppose. "It is fine. Because their gonna help us." Gary and Trix looked interested. "They are?" They ask in unison. "Uhh..." He looked at Jared and sighed. "We are..."

I sigh in relief. "Yes. Your gonna help us find my rapist." Trix and Gary laugh at them, looking pleased. Trix got a call and quickly left the room. "Be right back, just my mom" He left. Kyle looked at Grezo, "So? How do you plan on finding that fucker Damien?" He asked me. "To start off, we need to find those other two alive. They are bound to have answers, right?" I looked over at Gary. "Yeah thats smart. How do we find them though?" He proposed... Everyone started thinking. I almost had a thought when Trix walked back in the room. "Guys... I just got a call from another one of the victims. They want to meet." Everyones eyes shifted onto Trix's timid face... I look at him, noticing the reality of this. We have a lead...

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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