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"Thanks for reading! May you find strength in the darkness & rise again"

I sit at my piano, fingers hovering over the keys like a whispered secret. The silence is deafening, a constant reminder of what I've lost.

The empty chair beside me seems to mock me, a painful reminder of Paul's absence. My brother Paul was my best friend, partner in music, and everything.

We filled this space with laughter and harmonies, our voices blending in perfect sync like two pieces of a puzzle. Our music was a symphony of hope and joy, a celebration of life.

But that was before... Now, the thought of playing music feels like a betrayal, a knife twisting in my heart.

I glance at our last performance photo, our faces beaming with joy like a sunset on a summer evening. I close the lid, my heart heavy with grief like a stormy night.

I've tried writing songs, but they seem hollow without Paul's presence, like a bird singing without its mate.

The city outside pulses with life, taunting me with vibrant rhythms and melodies like a party next door.

I feel lost and alone, like a ghost haunting spaces where music used to live, searching for a glimpse of what we had. But a whisper in my mind says, "Maybe it's time to find a new harmony, Emma."

"Maybe it's time to strike a new chord." A spark of hope flickers to life like a candle in the dark, and a small flame ignites within

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