Chapter One

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It's been four months since summer started and I have encountered so many things. Some taught me, but some pissed me off. I have this bestfriend named Michael, who saved me from boredom a lot of times. If he wasn't there, I would have been exhausted by now.

Let me introduce him to you, so you'll know some facts about him. Michael Harris is a very creative guy. Sometimes we make videos to pass the time. We post them online and then some people would love it, some would hate it. Many from school loved it, and we became famous because of that. But that was before 7th grade. I can say we have been through lots of hard times, and we conquered it by ignoring the people, even though we can feel what they're saying. By the way, when 8th grade came, it was a nightmare. This new student named Jonathan Sandster ruined everything that we have. Fame, Creativeness, Intelligence, Friendships with other people, EVERYTHING! Jonathan made this video to embarass us, and that video was played during one school event and everyone hated us. We still have 1 month of vacation. So I guess we should start creating the most genius and creative video of all time. We came up with many ideas but they were just rip offs.

"Ace!" Michael shouted from outside our house.

"I'm coming."

"No, no. You don't need to come out, just tell me if you're going to my party later at 7pm. I'm making the guest list."

"Okay, I'm coming at your party."

"Nice, bro. See you there."

Michael's having this big party tonight, just to have fun, because his mother said he should throw a party for his friends to conquer boredom. We're weird, small things can lead to big things, like this party. Don't judge please, but you should continue reading this book. It will be fun.

I got out of bed and I checked my phone to see the time. It was already 6:45pm, and I have lots of things to do before the party. I need to wrap my gift for Michael, I also need to check if my little sister is asleep, and I also need to do this little test that mom gave me. I don't know why she gives me these kind of tests. I think to test my mind if it's still working. I prepared my outfit and went to the bathroom to have a shower. After that, of course, I wore my clothes and went to the party. I saw this guy who's very tall, more like a 6 footer. I feel small, even though I'm a bit tall person, but Michael's taller by 1 inch.

"Hey! What's up, Matthews?" The big guy, which I assume, is Sam, said.

"I'm good, thank you."

"I see."

I have this issue who panics deep inside when awkward moments come. Michael knew about this, and doesn't care at all. I spotted Michael beside a girl and I quickly called out his name.

"Michael! Over here!"

"Oh! Hey, Ace! Wassup, man?"

"It's been fine, how about you?"

"Why you talking like that, bro? Are you worried about something? Just have fun, dude!"

"Okay, and I'm not worrying. It's just, this awkwardness is getting on my nerves. I don't really know some of the people here."

"You gotta make friends! Come, I'll introduce you to some of my friends from preschool. I know what you're gonna say, 'It's been awhile.' Eh?"

"Okay, sure. I'll try to be confident."

This situation is getting even worse, at first this big guy, then he greeted me, then Michael's gonna introduce me to his friends from preschool. Wow. I tried to be as confident as I can to avoid more awkwardness.

"Hey! Meet my friend here, Ace Matthews." Michael told his friends, which he said, are his friends from preschool.

"Hi, I'm Harry Denver!"

"Ace, Ace Matthews. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

"I'm Jenner Young. Nice to meet you."

"Ace Matthews."

"Okay, now since you have met my 2 preschool friends, now let's move on by having a little conversation. Why don't we sit at this table?" Michael said.

"That would be nice." Harry replied.

I realized that knowing his preschool friends isn't so bad after all. At least, I got the chance to meet some of his old friends. We, of course, had a little conversation, as Michael said earlier, and then we ate some snacks, and then after a few hours, the party ended. I waved goodbye at them and headed to the parking lot.

I was just about to head down to the parking lot of his house. Then suddenly, I saw a guy walking in the middle of the road, looking at his phone, and not on the road. A car was going fast, and the guy didn't notice it was coming, so the car bumped the guy and the guy was injured. It was a terrible accident, and I witnessed it. Good thing I wasn't in my car yet, and that guy was actually dumb for looking at his phone and not on the road. This tragedy affected the whole party. Michael was told never to have a party again at their house and sadly, he was grounded, even thought it was not his fault for that accident. When I got home, Michael quickly texted me.

From Michael: Bro, that accident was terrible, now I got grounded.

I replied quickly and our conversation was interrupted when Michael's mom went to his room.

To Michael: I know, I was there and I saw the whole thing.

From Michael: This is bad.

I decided not to reply back because I thought that Michael would panic if we go on. My mom called me downstairs and she told me about the accident. I told her the story and because of it, mom decided to not allow me go to trips with friends anymore because she thought that thing might happen to me. I went back to my room and I just slept so I could forget about it.

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