lila's flashbacks

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Location - The Center, Siberia

Lila's Age - 9

I sit against the cell. 

It's so so so cold in this room why am I in the snow I don't know why

I am so so stupid. 

Why did I yell? Why did I fight? 

Now that I am bloody and broken, I can't remember. 

Blood on walls blood on clothes blood on floor

It was silly to refuse. 

28 told me so. 

He told me plainly when I first came here "Don't be dumb here, 102, dumb ones are shot" but did I listen to his wise words? No




I hate myself sometimes

All the time, daily, every day

The woman is still alive but I won't be for much longer

I run my fingers along the trail of blood 

It drips into a puddle on my feet like the ocean

Drowning in waves

Sinking under sinking sinking under

What does it feel like to drown? To fall below the water and never arise again? I think it would feel peaceful

Nothing to startle, nothing to worry, nothing to move

One day

One day it will be me

I know it will because if it's not I will do it myself

Guards come and drag me away

Women come and dunk my head under water for a long time

The water burns. 

I wish they were drowning me but they aren't they take my head out and dunk again and again until they drag me out 

I am dressed in the same black clothes and sent on my way to Sir's office. I open the door and see Valentin there, next to Sir. 

I want to smile but I don't. I can't. Not allowed. 

Valentin smiles at me, though. He's allowed to because Sir doesn't own him. Sir says he owns me and all of the others here.

We're property, he says. Made to be used as he sees best. The numbers on our necks say so. They have been engraved into us, this lesson. 

"My darling, come here to me," Sir exclaims in a joyous tone. I swiftly go in his direction and Sir places his hands on my shoulders. "Mr. Aigner wants you again." 

Valentin doesn't use me. 

I'm not his property. 

I am a person with him. He thinks I am special. 

Valentin smiles and nods anyway to what Sir says. No one dares question Sir. Sir is powerful, even outside the base. 

A blindfold wraps around my eyes and I am transported into Valentin's jet for the fifth time in only a few months. 

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