Continue the series in...
Survival Game: Book II, The EmpressAfter the success of the Survival Game's first stage, the group begins their first set of missions. When a series of disappearances occur linked to a local theatre, Ryou Nakahara is sent to put an end to it when they discover the theatre's owner is a Grandmaster Pawn named Mio Shirai. Facing the difficulties ahead, Ryou begins to learn that what he agreed to when joining may not be as simple as he'd hoped and now he is faced with the choice of life or death.
Survival Game, Book 1: The Fool
ActionThe first book in my series, Survival Game. If you like it, I will post the rest of the series. The cover was made on Canva by myself. SUMMARY: 10 years ago, a gang known as the Grandmasters invented a drug that led to the deaths of countless lives...