Episode two

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The boar woke up the next morning to talking and laughing, he slowly sat up whimpering as he moved his leg. It looked like the bandages were changed given the fact that they weren't nearly as bloody as they should have been. Now that the adrenaline that the Hedgehog seemed to always have died away and his body stopped replacing the pain with panic, one thing was made clear.

"Oh my Fluffing Gaia that hurts..." He said with a wince before pausing and clearing his throat... his voice had come out much higher then he would have liked, he was sure if any of his friends had heard it they would make fun of him for the way it sounded.

"Ok do I sound like a girl now? No... ok good." He said to himself as a man walked into the room.

"Glad to see you're doing better." He said putting some food down in front of the Hedgehog. He looked up, sniffing it. "Go on, it's for you."

"Um I would but I'm actually allergic to quite a few things."

"We tried to limit what we put into the food. Olivia also looked up your species allergies before she made it so it should be safe if you want me to double check I can." the man said.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" The sow asked. "I mean I've done nothing to deserve your trust, all I did was get hurt and have to ask for help. You don't know what I am or what my motives are, you don't even know if I carry any sort of disease that could be really dangerous. I'm a horrible example of this but I think most people would be scared if some species they've never seen before showed up at their doorstep."

"Our family has always helped strangers, when I was a kid this girl who was falsely accused of killing her husband lived with us for a few years while she was trying to get her life back together." he explained.

"How did you know she was falsely accused?"

"First off she loved him way too much, you could see it whenever she talked about him. She also didn't believe he was dead, she would always say, 'if i survived it so did he' and that would be the end of it. And in the end... she was right, her husband survived and came back a few years later. Turns out it was just plane malfunction that caused both of them to almost die. When the plane exploded she landed in the water and was able to swim out... he almost drowned and no one looked for him."

"Sheesh... that is by far the weirdest story i've ever heard." Sonic said, looking up at the human.

"It's a little weird but it has a happy ending."

"I wish I could have a happy ending... I have a very strange feeling. I'll die alone, depressed and friendless with my only company being my thoughts and regrets telling me I messed up and can never go back... or I'll end up dying trying to save someone and I'll fail. And the last thing I'll get to see is their suffering." he said not even realizing how dark his thoughts were.

"...ok I'll see if there are any therapists around that do Hedgehogs..." the man said. "And while I look for that you should eat. I'll turn on the TV so you can see if there's anything you want to watch. Just remember we have a kid here." he said, turning on the TV to a news channel and handing Sonic the remote before walking off.

"I haven't seen one of these since I was a kid. Normally just pure gaming controllers have all the functions on them now." Sonic said in awe. Memories of his favorite movie flashed in his mind. Sitting in that old store with the only TV in the village. The shopkeeper was the only one not judgemental about Sonic... or at least what Sonic was known as back then strange opinions or disconnection to the religion the rest of the village followed without a second thought. 'What gender do you like?' 'I-... don't really care' that line always came back.... Every single time it was always there.

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