𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐩𝐭.𝟒

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Noelani, Landon, and Everson are walking down the hallway freely roaming around because they had a free period. They did nothing much but engaged in conversation.

Noelani sighed exhausted internally and physically face palming as she recalled how her weekend went. " I can't believe hunter and harley are sick, they are so much work to take care of and it's like ahen one gets sick the other magically gets sick to. Mom said they are to stay in bed until they recover." she said while unlocking her locker and putting her belongings inside.

Everson looked at her concerned
" Damn cos That's tough, hey at least our mom is there to help them until your mom gets off od work. I hope they get better soon, hunter promised me that i could use his ps5 for the new mortal kombat that came out last month" he said joyfully jumping up and down thinking about the game which caused noelani to crack a crooked smile.

Landon shook his head at younger brother's actions and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Ah that sentence was just as nerdy as it was embarrassing i pray for you and your future girlfriend bro" causing noelani to laugh and everson to swat his hand away.

As they continue walking, they suddenly come across Vance, Nico, and Sailor who happened to also be talking about something happy, they only assumed that because nico was basically skipping down the halls but shes always like that so they didn't mind.

Nico approached the group excitedly
"Hey lani, hey lan lan Hey, Everson!"

Nico runs up to Everson and gives him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Landon looks at them surprised
"Oh, wow i stand incorrect When did this happen? or are you being held against your will blink twice if you are" he says whispering the last part but only receiving a jab in the stomach by everson and a slap in the back of the head by noelani

"Heyy its only okay when i do it to you guys not when you do it to me.. its just mean the other way around" he finished with a upset look on his face

Nico ignored the cousins and continued smiling
"Yea we aren't a thing but We're taking it slow."

Sailor rolled her eyes at nico knowing that the girl was still trying to ignore her feelings for the boy, she began interjecting. "Anywhooo guys! I was just talking to everyone about going to my parents' beach house for a 3-day vacation during summer break. What do you all think a nice little get away on the sand nothing but peace and prosperity & a little tequila" she stated adding a wink to the last part

Noelani's eyes lit up as she got excited "That sounds amazing i could really use a vacation for a few days, anything to get away from home. I could really use a break right now."

Just as Noelani agrees, she suddenly feels the need to use the bathroom.

Noelani gets slightly uncomfortable as she feels she has to use the bathroomurgently. " I'll be right back, guys BT break, heys up do not drink 2 coffee's on the way to school. Sailor, want to come with me i kinda need help redoing my bun"

Sailor nods "Sure, let's go."

Noelani and Sailor leave the group and head towards the bathroom. However, as they turn the corner, they witness a heart-wrenching sight. Enzo and Khloe are passionately making out in the hallway.

Noelani's heart shatters into a million pieces, and tears threaten to fall, she feels herself going weak in the knees by the second. She turns around silently, unable to face the painful scene. Sailor tries to comfort her, feeling ashamed of her brother's actions.

Sailor looks at noelani softly unable to even make iut her sentence clear. "Noelani, I'm so sorry... I .. i dont even know what to say. I can't believe he would do this to you. You know what im gonna go say something to him" she said after wiping the stray tears that fell out of noelani's eyes

Sailor is about to confront Enzo, but Noelani stops her, determined to face the situation herself so many thoughts were running throughout her head, all these feelings anger, hurt, betrayal, pain and more she knew this was bound to happen which is why she internally scolded herself for even allowing herself to fall for the boy. She walks up to Enzo and Khloe smiles wickedly at them before pulling them apart from eachother and punching Khloe straight in the face.

Noelani furiously grabs khole by the hair bend down to her floor level. " How could you, Khloe?! after ALL YOU OUT HIM THROUGH, All those months of pain and suffering you caused him"

Sailor rushes to restrain Noelani, attempting to hold her back. Enzo pushes Noelani in response.

"Lí Please calm down , shes not worth your energy or time" she said in her ear while noelani is struggling against her grip

Noelani breaks free from Sailor's grip and slaps Enzo across the face. "Your nothing but a no good dirty whore, I should've cut you off when i had the chance" she said to him before storming off, leaving behind a stunned Sailor, Enzo, and Khloe. Khloe is on the ground, upset ,shocked and weeping from the punch she just received.

The rest of their friend group arrives, witnessing the aftermath of the confrontation.

Vance looked around trying to process the scene shocked " What the hell just happened?! why is the shee devil on the ground" he questioned earning a glare from khloe he caught her glare

"Fix your face it makes you look worse then you already do" causing said she devil to get up amd storm away

Sailor looked away from her brother angry.
" Enzo got back together with Khloe after she literally cheated on him 3 times and once with his BESTFRIEND" she said yelling the last part before continuing "and broke Noelani's heart in the process, even after all the terrible things she did to him Lani did nothing but help you during the time you needed someone the most. I'm so ashamed to call you my twin brother."

Sailor storms off in search of Noelani, followed closely by the rest of the friend group. All of them ashamed to even be friends with enzo

Landon, however, stays behind. He walks up to Enzo, seething with anger. Without hesitation, Landon punches Enzo to the ground and grabs him by the collar, pressing him against the locker.

Landon looked as if he had a piece of the devil in his eyes, he was furious "You're nothing but a disgrace, Enzo!  How could you hurt my baby cousin MY BABY COUSIN!! Noelani let you in about things she hasn't opened up to people about in months! after everything she's been through? She trusted you!.."

"If you go anywhere near her again.. i wont hesitate to leave a hole in your chest."

After delivering his warning, Landon drops Enzo to the ground and walks away, leaving him with a busted lip and a sore cheek.

The hallway falls into silence, as the consequences of the heartbreak continue to reverberate through the school.

This chapter is going to show the order of events on how the friends fell out with each other one by one , after i cover this chapter im going to publish the chapter of then coming back to school after summer vacation is over & thats when the real Adventure begans!!

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