Someday I know... the year of 2024 will be looked upon the same as we do of 1924. As a matter of fact, those in 1924 were thinking their year was so modern that they looked at 1824 as ancient. You get the gist. I just enjoy imagining the children of 2124 reading about this current year and thinking of us as a black and white image. It's quite nostalgic.
I wonder if your trying to guess where I'm going with this conversation...writing I should say...You see, life is much more than what you think. Life is what you decide you want to write about. I could sit in this black leather chair and write out how cute my dogs are and how happy my kitty cat is at home. But I chose to write about this. I chose to write about me. And possibly even you if you know what I mean. Maybe as you come along with me in these pages, you'll learn a thing or two. Maybe I could teach myself something...
What do you think life is about? Is that too complex of a question for you? Hm. What do you want life to be about? What is it that you do every single day that you hate that you do? What is it of the day, that you dream that you could do everyday? Do you have bad habits? Do you have no money? Do you have no friends or family? Well... hello, best friend. Let me hold your hand and tell you a beautiful secret that you echo throughout your mind but never listen to let alone believe.
"I love you and it's gonna be okay."
Could you do me a favor? Could you reread the line that sits alone by itself. Read it over and over until your brain is forced to listen. Forced to believe it. What do you feel when you read this line? Do you feel like Person A? Person A feels they are telling the writer that they love them and indeed feels somewhat awkward. Do you feel like Person B? Person B is reading the line aloud and to themselves. They are telling themselves they love themself and will be okay. Either person is incorrect, but will indeed walk two different paths. Tell me, who is it that you feel describes your feelings more?
"Life is not me, but I am life..."
There is no such thing as wrong in life. Right and wrong exist to fulfill each other's lives. But what if I told you that there is a such thing as right and wrong in YOUR life. You can not tell someone how to live the right way. But you can tell yourself how to live the right way. You can not tell someone that they are wrong for marrying a man but you can prevent yourself from marrying a man. Right and wrong exist to society because one source has brainwashed all of humanity into believing their is one way to live, and it be the right way. The only way. That one source is equivalent to our one brain controlling our own body, but instead it controls billions of humans. The only wrong in this world is to believe one human controls all human.
So our original question I will ask again.
"What do you think life is about?..."
Well, give it a shot will you. I'm truly intrigued. I am you after all. I'll give you a hint. What you see is who you are. What you do is who you are. What you talk about is who you are. What you read... is who you are. You are what you eat they say. You are what you put in your mind as well. What do I mean by this? Here:
"The way you react to the world are your true colors. Anger brings out the best of people. Yes you read that right. Will you react the way you know will delight you? Or will you fall for the trap set for yourself and dissatisfy your soul. Anger is your true challenger."
The only one thing that could slow you down is you. You'd laugh and cringe at such a rehearsed, over heard line yeah? What if I wrote it this way instead: "There is only one obstacle in front of me and it might be my mindset." Does that sound more believable? The message is the same. Somewhat. No. Actually it's not. Just as we said before, Person A comprehended the original as a message to the writer. Person B read it to themselves. Person A is the first line while Person B is the second line. Once again, which person do you believe yourself to be?
CHAPTER 1: May 3rd, 2024
PoetryHow do you define what a perfect life is? Indeed, a complex question you'd say. How so? What if I asked you, how do you like your coffee? You'd probably say plain or cream with sugar. You might even tell me you hate coffee. What happens to be the di...