Spying/Vampire Beatdown

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Training Grounds 3rd POV

Y/n was practicing his magic in the training, he was shooting targets with magic bullets destroying them. He kept doing this till Riser appeared from a circle.

Riser: Y/n.

Y/n: Oh hey Riser, whats up?

Riser: Riser has favor to ask of you.

Y/n: Yeah, and it is?

Riser: As you know Riser is engaged to Rias.

Y/n: Tch, oh yeah that bitch......

Riser: Well both Lord Gremory and father are pushing for the marriage.

Y/n: I don't see where I come in?

Riser: Riser want you to watch her, as to make sure she doesn't do anything rash.

Y/n: Soooooo babysitting.

Riser: That's one way of putting.

Y/n: And how come you can't send any of your members or do it yourself?

Riser: Because She'll recognize us and I'll be in trouble, plus don't you want to see how pathetic your old master is?

Y/n:.......................Fine, I'll do it. But I want a nice mansion for my peerage.

Riser: Deal.

Y/n: Well then I'm off, I'll call the others.

Y/n then teleports as he goes to tell his group.

Timeskip-Next day-Kuoh town

Y/n and Most of his peerage are about leave the house Riser got them in Kuoh with their school uniforms on.

Y/n and Most of his peerage are about leave the house Riser got them in Kuoh with their school uniforms on

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Yuta: So tell me again why we are attending school again?

Y/n: Well Riser wanted us to watch his bitch of a fiance so she doesn't do anything stupid.

Yuta: And why are you, Mash, Stella, Shiki ,Arcueid, and I going?

Y/n: Ravel would give away that we are connected to Riser and the other's are too old forschool.

Yuta: So this fiance, why do you call her a bitch?

Y/n:....Because...she was my old master, Rias Gremory.

Arcueid: Her.......

Stella: I want to burn her alive for what she did.

Mash: I feel the same way but she is still a noble devil so it would be bad if she was killed.

Stella: Grrr...

Y/n: Well no matter how we feel this is a request from a friend, let's go before we're are late for school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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