16 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ aegis vates awakes

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌕 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'There's something between us—a sort of pull. Something you always do to me, and I to you.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌕 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───

Leto brutally pushes the ornithopter's commands, and it dives down at high speeds toward the crawler. Everyone is pushed back in their seats as a chill runs up (Y/N)'s spine from the movement.

"This is Duke Leto Atreides," he says over the radio. "We're coming down to extract the crew of Delta Ajax niner. We'll set down on the west."

The crawler tries to move to their position, but the tracks quickly stop after pushing a singular foot.

"Sheild generators weigh 100 kilos each," Paul says as his father lands the 'thopter, everyone removing their safety harnesses with haste.

"Yes, Gurney, have our escorts throw out the shield generators."

"Yes, sire."

"And Paul, I want you and (Y/N) at the back of the thopter. Guide them in." He talks into the radio again. "Delta Ajax niner, put seven men each in my ships now."

The backs of the ornithopters open as ramps touch down. Gurney exits, followed by Paul and (Y/N) as dust clouds the couple's vision.

They step foot on the sand, walking rhythmically—not that they notice. (Y/N) pauses, remembering what Dr. Kynes said, and shifts to move a little irregularly, as best as she can while being under pressure.

Paul stops, taking a knee. He grabs a handful of sand to find the glittering specks of spice amongst the bland colors as it fades away. He looks up, and (Y/N) taps his shoulder, gesturing to a few men in the distance who try to get to safety, blocked by a growing cloud of dust.

He stands, looking up at the crawler as the machinery clunks again, the failing anchor attempting to latch on again to no avail. His wife follows her husband's gaze. The carryall retracts its anchors, pulling back and flying away.

"Contact in two minutes."

"Getting close, guys. We better abandon ship now." The Spotter radioman reminds.

Inside the 'thopter, Let grows impatient. "Where are they?"

"Sir, there's protocol for a reason," the posh Crawler crew member responds. "If we take one step out there, we're as good as dead." Kynes stands, moving to the window. "Besides, we've got a full load of spice. We can't just leave it."

"Damn the spice!" Leto shouts. "I want every man off that crawler now!"

Kynes looks back with startled admiration. Here is a leader of men.

In the distance, the approaching wormsign is visible.

Paul and (Y/N) look out at the running crew members, finding more scrambling down the ladder as one guides them.

"Hey! Seven over here! Seven over there!" Paul shouts with a gesture, and (Y/N)'s hand securely fastens around his waist as a cloud of dust obscures their vision. "Go, go! Go, go, go, go, go!"

Both immediately cover their mouths with the masks, and yet, everything stops. Paul's brows bunch as he sees spice in the air, starting to walk, and (Y/N) loses him as she shakes her head, trying to get the spice out of her face.

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