Volume 1 chapter 1.2 Ignorance is bliss

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This school is able to have several special rules for two reasons firstly, its government backing and the biggest reason why many strive to come here as I mentioned on the bus, koudo ikusei high school has a 100% employment rate.

Because of this they can make up whatever rules they want like forcing all students to live in dorms, and preventing anyone from going off campus, and forbidding us from contacting anyone in the outside world. However to make up for this they give us a lot of points that can easily be used anywhere on campus.

Most students would think this is a paradise with preferential treatment however it's a trap. They are being lured into a false sense of security, chabashira mentioned that the school measures its students abilities and by passing the entrance exams we have shown some 'worth'. It doesn't mean that our abilities will be on the same level this coming month they plan to observe us by using cameras in the classroom.

I had found at least 7 cameras all placed in discreet locations and they were all observing the class, a bit strange isn't it? Why would they have any need to watch the classrooms unless they actually care about what our behaviour is like. Futhermore on the way here it seemed like most places had an insanely large amount of cameras except from a few areas which had none. This is because the school wants us to use underhanded tactics in those areas this idea was further reinforced by chabashira's words earlier "if you feel like you have no use for them you can transfer your points to someone else."

What high schooler in there right mind would give up that much money, people are inherently selfish beings and even if one had no use for such points it's unlikely a person would just give them away. No this was her giving us a clue to say that you could take others points as long as you weren't caught and these 'no camera zones' were the perfect place to do anything you wouldn't want to be seen doing on camera, the way she said it one could assume you could buy something like old test papers as long as you weren't spotted.

The cameras are for observing our every action to see if we deserve the points, nothing in life is free even if you think it is and in return for the large allowance the school provides us we have to act like model students or I'm sure our points will be demerited. However there's also the fact that she mentioned we can't change classes why would that be the case? Most schools mix the classes up and yet this one run by the government doesn't so there must be a reason why they don't want us to switch.

A meritocracy I was able to deduce that's what this school is, the higher class your in the better you are that's how the school judges us otherwise they would have no reason to keep us in the same classes. The school thinks were trash so why would they allow us to mingle with the elite students.

My theory about this school is only further reinforced by the fact that we have no contact with the outside world it's as if they want to keep information tight. The government doesn't want people finding out about this school, a gag order I assume was placed on senpais as well as teachers to stop us from learning about the point system. However if you were observant then you could pick up on the clues that the teacher gave to us.

This whole school was built off the S-system this is why the government can afford to run this school it's because the amount of points classes get will fluctuate depending on factors like behaviour. So even if one person out of 40 was a model student it wouldn't matter since there effort wouldn't be worth anything, 39 people demeriting points versus 1 person attempting to maintain the points it is most obvious that the larger group would come out on top, this means we are judged as a collective and not by individuality.

The reason I think this is because we all started with the same amount of points, if the school judged by individuality then surely our starting points would be different as we all show different levels of "worth" this is why I think that we all receive a point total as a class and from that point total we are given the amount of points it converts too.  Furthermore the points are known as private points the word 'private' indicates that there exclusive to a single person however why not just call them points? Unless there hiding that there are other types of points. Like points for the whole class.

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