Patching Up.

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The birds chirp in the distance as Bumblebee and the other Autobots push rocks out of the way of the entrance of the moon tower.

Bee: (wiping off his servos) Alright, we’re done for now.

Everyone sighs, and the terrans come out from behind the tower.

Thrash: Looks good, maybe we should all take a break. We've been working for hours!

Elita: Are you sure you guys want to make this the new base?

Twitch: Yes we’re sure.

Hashtag looks a little concerned, and looks at Bumblebee:

Hash: Where’s Starscream?  I haven’t seen him since we got back together.

Bee: He’s being treated by Wheeljack right now.

Hashtag still looks concerned, and goes inside the tower:

The moment she walks in she sees Jawbreaker, Grimlock, and Nightshade painting the walls.
Grim: Is something wrong young one?

Hashtag looks at him for a second, and she sighs before looking at him.

Hash: I’m just looking for Starscream, I’ve been looking for him…

Grim: I understand what you mean, if you need him, he’s in the room to the left.

Hashtag nods, and walks towards the room, only to hear the voices of Starscream, Megatron, and Wheeljack.  She stands outside the door listening to their conversation.

Wheel: Can you guys please just hold still?

Star: Let go of me! I don’t want your help!

Megs: Wheeljack. Your-

Wheel: Don’t just stand there help me hold him down.

Megatron gently grabs Starscream’s arm which he flinches slightly, but he calms down when he realizes that Megatron is being gentle like he was all those years ago.  The moment Megatron moves Wheeljack’s hand showing the wound.

Megs: You were hurting him, I was trying to tell you.

Wheel: Sorry, but someone over here wouldn’t stop moving.

Hashtag hears a few yelps from starscream, a few minutes later Wheeljack walls out allowing Hashtag to have a chance to go in to see Starscream.

Hash: Starscream, are you feeling better?

Starscream looks at her, and nods before realizing that Megatron is still holding his arm, Megatron also realizes.

Megs: Sorry.

Megatron lets go of Starscream’s arm, and gives him some space to talk to Hashtag.

Hash: What about you Megatron?

Megs: I’m fine with just a few burn marks, and some scratches.

She smiles, she's happy, that they're both fine, and she leaves them a little while later.

Starscream sits there for a little while, breathing heavily before Megatron is about to speak, his sisters (or panthers?) bust in through the door.

Sky: Starscream! Are you okay?!

Nova: We were so worried about you!

Sky: We thought you died!

Star: I’m fine, I'm just tired.

They both sigh in relief before they notice how Megatron is looking at him, and they both get a little protective of Starscream, and give him the death stare.
Sky: What are you doing here?

Nova: You better not be hurting him.

Megatron gives them the stare back, and stands up.

Megs: Why would you guys still think I’m still the bot I was 25 years ago?

A few hours later they're still helping clean up the tower making it the main base for the Terrans, as everyone settles down for the night while the Maltos have gone home, and the terrans to the dug-out, the others stay to finish up.

Megatron is moving a few things when he sees Starscream sitting on top of the looking at the stars, and when he finishes he walks up to Starscream.

Starscream hears him, and he turns around to look at him.

Megs: Star.

Star: Megatron.

Megatron clears his throat and speaks:

Megs: Look, I’m sorry for everything I did to you, and I was so selfish, greedy, and terrible bot, who deserves no forgiveness from someone I hurt the most, and released all my anger to, and I feel so horrible for the things I did to you, and the way I made you feel for all those years I hurt you, and I can never be good enough to make you happy or make you feel loved when all I can do is make you feel unhappy, and unloved by me.

Megatron wipes a tear away before continuing:

Megs: It’s my fault that I hurt you, and made you have trust issues, trauma, and anxiety because of the way I treated you for all those years making you think nobody would believe you for abusing you, and I can never apologize to you in a way that makes it sound real, and truthful, but it can’t because it’s coming from somebody like me. Someone who hurt you. Someone who made your life a sickening, and living hell, I couldn’t help you then so let me help you now.

Starscream’s blue optics soften, and he grabs Megatron’s cheek before speaking:

Star: I knew how stressed you were about everything, and everyone who was disloyal to you, and how you felt alone.

Starscream grabs both of his cheeks, and wipes his tears, and smiles.

Star: You did the right thing. I still believe you can change for the better, great or good, and I will follow you no matter what.

Just below them Jazz is watching them from the bushes watching them in the darkness, and pops his head out.

Jazz: (talking into tape recorder) I have been lucky enough to get this close without getting caught by anyone. The conversation between Megatron, and Starscream was 100% fake. That was ai deepfake, and wasn’t true. Nobody can know about this.

Megatron, and Starscream pull away before hugging each other back.

In the morning everything was normal like always with nothing in the way, the tower still needed some work to be 100%, and ready to be the Terrans new base, but all of this wouldn’t be interrupted.


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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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