"Jiminah is here"

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She left the classroom, immediately met her assistant and went to the entertainment area with her.

"This is our entertainment area, there are many different activities here, for example drawing, painting, there is a gym, also walks abroad, meditation areas, there is a shout or scream room to relax yourself, of course it is sound insulated, there are group activities, of course. They do what our experts call new things not clichés, every activity, everything is unique from itself, not only people with problems come here, but also normal people, and this does not give the same effect as a central hospital or a clinic, that's why we have more guests from different age groups. Sometimes we mix them with each other so that they can socialize more and understand others problems. I can say that the majority of the ages are 11-17 years old. Do you have any requests from me? "

"Of course, everyone should be treated equally, as you said, I never want cliché treatment, just entertainment activities, everything should be different unique and fun. You start buying whatever materials, whatever items you need, but you should buy the things that needed, think about what will be good for people by talking to my other psychologist friends. Get this done and use the money from the company for all the items. If it is not enough, which I don't think, but if it happens, get it from my personal account. Of course, you will show special attention to those who do not have money, I said treat them equally, but you will pay more attention to those who do not have money, you will show more care to them. It's very important. Now let's go to my office and send me the guests."

"Ok miss but why do you call guest when they are people with behavioral problem?"

"Because they are in a point of life when they are in their lowest, no one should considered sick or with behavioral problems, everyone is a person with their own behave but the problems of life of the people that surround them made their life difficult. For me they are guests so everyone should call like this, ok? By the way I'm going on a very important live performance as a VIP guest so, choose a blouse from my fan gardrop a loose black trousers, low waist, and high-heeled black boots by 19:30 o'clock to be here. Tell my other assistant to buy the make-up things from my brand store because I've finished them. And now get me the guests one by one."

"Ok miss."

Doing real work was tiring sometimes, but it was something that was good for her. She entered her office and her first guest came to her.

"Welcome! So, this is how we do it now, you tell me what you want, I'm listening to you, I'm all ears to you."

"I don't know where to start."

"You can, for example, tell me what's the first thing that comes to your mind."

She got up from her chair and sat next to the young girl and held her hand. The girl bowed her head and started crying.

"I used to love someone, we loved each other, I mean I thought he loved me, we got together, he got me pregnant, I wanted the baby because it belonged to both of us, and I didn't want it too because I was too young, I... my family is a little strict, but I told them, they said, 'You're going to abort your baby', when they told me my hands immediately went to my belly, I...I couldn't do it."

"So did you do it?"

She wiped her tears with her hands and shook her head no.

"What happened after that?"

"I told them no, they kept me at home and everything continued as if nothing had happened, I told my boyfriend that I was pregnant and he was very happy, he had started job and he was working day and night at that time. A week had passed and I heard by chance my father and mother talking, it turns out they were talking about poisoning my baby in my womb. My mother was telling him not to do it, my father didn't want to listen, he was saying that I made our reputation low, but what I did? I was with the person I loved, a miracle was created from that union, how could I reject the baby?"

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