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"What am I going to do with you pup?"

⊱——— ♔ ———⊰

My eyes lazily fluttered open, whatever had been given to me knocked me out pretty good. I heard a few faint chirps from outside, wait- how long have I been out?

I frantically search the room, forgetting this is the place where time doesn't exist, only routine. Glancing up into the skylight above my bed, the blue sky was bright. I'd say about mid-day so not as bad as I thought-

"You've been out for almost two days,"

The voice from across the room startled me. My green eyes met with honey, Petra was folding some laundry and placing them neatly into my drawers.

Rubbing my temples as I had just woken up from what I could consider a small coma, I noticed my bandages had been changed and there were two IV's attached to my arms. "Whats with all the wires?" I questioned.

Petra chuckled at me, "Well silly, you weren't awake to eat, we had to keep your body going somehow, Master wouldn't exactly be thrilled if you just up and keeled over," she said before finishing up and moving over in my direction.

She sat on the bed next to me and began to check over my wound, "It's been looking a lot better, i'll have the nurse come in to remove the IV's so you can have a proper meal today, what is your stomach feeling?"

My stomach wasn't exactly feeling anything, I'm still dawning over what happened last week, "Maybe just some soup?" I smiled weakly at her, not giving any sort of discomfort.

The strawberry blonde nodded and gave me a small pat on the head before making her way out of the room. Petra really was a gem, I wonder what kind of terms her and Levi are on. Shaking the thought, I grabbed the remote to the TV and began browsing potential shows to watch. There's not much you can do when you're stuck in bed.

Curiousity got the best of me though, I wonder if I could get up myself? I can't imagine- how have I gone to the bathroom?

I moved the blankets off myself to find a tube and a bag of- ew.

Gagging internally I begin to try pulling the needles from my arms, it shouldn't be too hard right? I slowly plucked one from my arm, breaking the skin. I should have let the nurse do it.


I start to pick myself up outta bed, two streams of blood dripping down my arms and making my way to the bathroom. Which was also a mistake considering the amount of pain killers still wearing off in my body. My knees buckled from under me and I found myself face down on the floor. Well deserved I suppose.

"Hi, Eren-" the voice cut off.

"Eren where did you go?!"

I lifted my arm up in shame as I had tried to drag myself to the bathroom, "I'm down here,"

"Eren! You know you aren't supposed to get out of bed without my help!"

The nurse was a lovely girl, although I never caught her name. She was on the smaller side, with bright rosey cheeks and platinum blonde hair.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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