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Breakfest went smoothly due to everyone making it to the table. Levi had walked in about thirty seconds after and we all did our best not to make eye-contact.

Now it was time for my training, which Armin was instructed to teach me how to clean. He seemed welcoming so I was actually a little excited.

"Alright, this here is our closet. Each catagory of worker has a specific closet and they are labeled. This is the maid's closet." he stated.

I peeked in as he opened the door and was amazed as always to find that this closet was actually a room.

Armin led me inside by grabbing my hand, "To your right is our outfits, and too your left is the supplies provided for us." he nodded as he walked me over to the uniforms.

"Now let me see, which one will- Ah! This one will be a perfect fit!" Armin cheered and presented the uniform to me.

Only it wasn't the type of uniform I had in mind, it was a dress.

"Uh, are you .. sure this is for me?" I asked, questioning if I really had to wear a dress.

Armin smiled nervously, "Yeah, as maids we are required to wear them. But worry not, once you're finished you can change out of it," he nodded at me again, "Just remember to always- always! put the dirty dresses in the laundry." he warned as his finger waved in front of me.

I cocked my head causing my ear to flop, "Why is it so important?" I asked.

Armin was still looking around the room for something, "Master is what we call a clean freak love, he likes everything in top shape. But not only that, it needs to be cleaned to his expectations of clean," he grabbed a packet of something, it looked like ... fishnets? What are those for..

"That is why i'm in charge of training you," Armin said cutting me from my thoughts, "I am his favorite maid." he said proudly and shaking his head in a cocky way.

I nodded in response, "So when do we get started?" I asked him as he handed me a pile of clothing.

"As soon as we get you dressed. Do you mind if I help?" he said already undoing the button on my jeans.

"O-oh, no I don't mind," I said holding my breath as he quickly pulled my pants down my legs.

"Good, because I have a feeling you wouldn't be able to figure out how to even put this on," he chuckled while I stepped out of the pant legs.

Once my pants were off Armin moved around so he was now standing behind me. He then held something up in front of my face from over my shoulder, "I need you to put these on, I promise they're comfortable," I heard him giggle.

Dangling in front of me was a pair of black lace panties.

You're fucking joking right?

"Is this a sick joke?" I asked eyeing the lace, it looked awfully uncomfortable.

Armin giggled again, "I'm afraid not. Would you like to see mine?" he started to laugh a little harder.

"Yeah i'll pass," I said snatching the panties from him.

After sliding the boxers off, on went the panties. The string part was a little weird but it made more room for my tail.

Armin then wrapped something around my waist, it looked like a belt?

"Isn't your belt suppose to go over your pants?" I asked watching as he unwrapped what was in the clear package he grabbed earlier.

"This isn't a belt to hold up your pants, this is called a garter belt," he stated as he showed me to the two individual fishnet socks, "The garter belt holds these up." he said while handing them over to me.

Call me, Master (Ereri/Riren)Where stories live. Discover now