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"Which hotel you said?" Jungkook mom ask again..

"Signiel hotel.." Jungkook reply without looking at her and eat his food...

"Isn't that most expensive hotel in Seoul..kook?" His dad said..

"Yeah jimin throw party there for me...." Jungkook said

"Thats too much... You're not going and neither we are.. Cancel it.." Jungkook dad said.. Jungkook stop eating and look at him

 Jungkook stop eating and look at him

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"But dad.. I didn't plan this Jimin did this for me .. I can't cancel it.." Jungkook said

"I will talk to him then... Jimin should understand.. we are not rich like him.. We are good in simple birthday party in simple hotel or in the house.. " jungkook dad said angrily...

"But dad-" jungkook cut by his mom

"Honey don't be like this its his 18 birthday.. And jimin did all this for him... Let him enjoy.. "

"Yes dad..Please don't cancel it.." Jungkook request.. His dad sigh

"Fine.." His dad said and continue eating

"Yay.. Its gonna be so much fun.. Oh God your birthday is tomorrow.. We have to go shopping now.. " his mom said in excitement

"You and your shopping.... " his dad rolled his eyes and chuckles

"Oh you shut up.." They both keep talking to each other And jungkook smirking ... Thinking about what he gonna do in party..


"Oh God.. today was too much work...its almost midnight.." Tae said to soobin.. They both walking to the parking lot..

"Well you're the main photographer of Gucci company now... What you expect.." Soobin said..

"Yeah..I stil can't believed they said yes.." Taehyung said smile...

"How can they say no.. Of course they say yes... You're amazing tae..I'm so happy that I'm your assistant... I learning a lot from you.." Soobin said with smile..

"oh stop it now you making me blush.." Tae said making soobing chuckles..

They are now in front of soobin car..
"umm soobin can you drop me to bus stop.. Actually today my hyung need my angel for some delivery..and Its too late to find any texi and-" soobin cut him

"Oh tae.... You don't need to be nervous for ask me anything.. Come on i will drop you home.." Soobin said and open his car door..

"Oh no no. Just drop me at bus sto-"

"Tae.. You think i will let you go alone on bus at this hour... No.. So get in.." Soobin said.. tae smile and get inside the car..

After long silence soobin said.."well jhope-shii really like working with you..huh tae.." Soobin smirk when he saw tae blushing..

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